God is the one who calls office bearers. How do we know this? Based on Article 31 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the calling and election to office, duration term of office bearers, equality among office bearers, and that Christ remains the Head of the church.

Source: The Banner of Truth (NRC), 1997. 5 pages.

The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 31

The previous article of the Con­fession of Faith spoke about spiritual polity, or form of government. We have seen that it is not a kind of worldly government, such as we have in our cities. It pleases the Lord to govern His church by spiritual overseers. In the world, if you want to have a certain job in the government, you study and then apply for it. But in the church of God it is entirely different. We must emphasize this difference, for this article speaks about ministers, elders, and deacons as the spiritual government. They are, and ought to be, chosen to their respective offices by a lawful election of the church. The article says, "Therefore everyone must take heed, not to intrude himself," not to bring himself in, not to force himself in, "by indecent means, but is bound to wait till it shall please God to call him."

Confession of Faith:  Article 31This is different from the world. There you do not wait until they call you. In general it is the other way around. You apply for and seek that position. But it is not so in the church of God. We read in several places about the spiritual overseers. The Lord says, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven." And He says in Acts 20:28, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers."

So it is a work of God to make a person an office-bearer. However, he is chosen by men, by people. In Acts 6:3 we read also of the choosing of deacons, "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business." And of the appointing of elders we read in Acts 14:23, "And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed." So it is clear that this choosing takes place by means of man.

No one may have an office without being called by God. And then we should distinguish between two kinds of callings: first, an internal call, and secondly, an external call. We need both. Arnoldus of Rotterdam says, "In order to have an inward calling there must be an inward desire which God works in the heart, a desire to do the work for which one is prepared by God and equipped, out of the love toward God in Christ for the best of His church." Then it is the Lord who wins the heart over, who conquers the heart and grants the gifts and qualifications. This He does in two ways. He does it in a mediate way, for minis­ters by their being taught in a theological school, being instructed and prepared; and for elders and deacons by their reading and searching the Scriptures and the works of the fathers. But there is also a qualification which takes place immediately; that is the qualification by the unction of the Holy Spirit. We need both.

In the past the Lord has also called people from behind the plow in the field, without any education, to be men of wisdom on the pulpit, and He has sometimes given them a very extraordinary measure of the Holy Spirit; but the ordinary way is that the Lord uses means. Our fathers have emphasized that, and we should not be wiser than they. A minister has to prepare for his sermon, for his speaking. Also office-bearers may be taught; they have to seek instruction continually. Even then, however, we might still be missing the unction of the Holy Spirit. And that is what the Lord also gives to those whom He places in His vineyard, to the one in a greater measure than to the other.

Three ways of calling🔗

The external calling takes place by the members, under the leading of the office-bearers. There are three ways to elect office-bearers:

  1. The so-called aristocratic way.
  2. The democratic way.
  3. A combination of the above two ways, the aristocratic/democratic way.

The French churches in the time of the Reformation used the aristocratic way, which means that the consistory elects the office-bearers. Those members who are chosen by the consistory are presented to the membership for approbation. The members can either approve or bring in objections.

The democratic way was used only by a church of refugees in London under the leading of á Lasco. This democratic way means that the congregation makes a list of nomina­tions by a free vote. This list is given to the consistory, who in turn elects from that list the elders and deacons deemed necessary for the congregation.

The third method is the aristocratic/democratic way, which was practiced in the Scottish churches, as indicated in the Scottish church order, as well as in the churches in the southern Netherlands. This method implies that the consistory nominates twice as many people as positions and then brings the names to the congregation. The congregation elects the office-bearers and thus also has the right of approba­tion. In our churches we use this third method of election. There are situations where the first method can be used – for instance, when the name of an office-bearer who will be sent out with a special task is presented to the members for approbation. This is, however, quite unusual. We almost always practice the third method of election.

Confession of Faith:  Article 31The election of ministers, or the calling of ministers, takes place by means of the consistory. Our church order says, "After having heard the congregation." Today this means bringing it to a vote by the members. In this way the consistory knows the preference of the congregation when a duo is presented. The consistory then presents the call to the minister on behalf of the congregation. It is the Lord, however – indeed, it is Christ Himself – who chooses His servants through the vote of the members under the leadership of the consistory.

We read in Rev. De Gier's explanation, "The Reformed churches, following Calvin, who is called the father of the Presbyterian church view, warned that the consistory should not be considered as a board of a society which executes its power with the permission of the members and is accountable unto them, but as men which rule in the name of Christ, to whom they must give an account." Therefore the Church Order of 1618-19 states that the leading of, and the decision by, election is in the hands of the consistory. Why did our fathers emphasize that so much?

Two dangers🔗

We have already mentioned that there are two dangers in regard to church government. There is the danger of hierarchy, that is, that the members are not involved in the election at all. Even the aristocratic method of election is not the way which we prefer, because then the members may only say, "Yes" or "No." Therefore we use the aristo­cratic/democratic way, in which the membership is fully involved, but in which the Reformed principle of church structure is fully maintained. Thus we also reject the views of the Independents. The Independents taught that the election of office-bearers takes place by the members alone, immediately, and not from a duo or from candidates presented by the consistory. They also did not want to recognize any authority of major assemblies, of classes or synods. They brought the office back to a kind of board of a society which is accountable to the members of that society.

Our fathers were very much afraid of going into the direction of Independentism, but they were also afraid of hierarchy.

The government🔗

Luther and Zwingli went in the other direction. They gave all the power and authority for calling and election to the government. It was the government which had the say in the appointment of ministers to certain places and which also had the power to reject them. That influence of the government was evident even in the Reformed churches of the Reformation, in the Calvinist churches of the Netherlands. In the times of our beloved forefathers – I think of Wilhelmus á Brakel – it happened, for instance, that the city government, the mayor and his assistants, and the city board, had a right to undo a certain calling by a church. They could say they had objections to a certain person and that they did not want him in that city. There were at times real struggles for the church to maintain or to attain its own right of electing, voting, and calling its office-bearers. The government always tried to have an influence in those appoint­ments. Luther and Zwingli agreed with this position of the govern­ment. In their view, a minister should just shepherd and preach, and the government should be left to the state.

This is, however, absolutely against Scripture, for then we mix two areas, two entities, together. We believe that each has its own area in which to reign. The government has a task regarding the church – to protect the church and to take care of the outward prosperity of the church – but it may not reign within the church. Yet that often happened; even in the last century King William I used his authority to commission the government officials to compose new regulations for the state church; and so the king really became the head of the church. This is against this article. Calvin also warned against this.

The terms🔗

Office-bearers have a certain term to serve. Our fathers made a difference between those who minister in the Word and sacraments, who minister for life, and elders and deacons, who do not serve for life. It might be asked, "Why this difference? Is the ministerial office so much higher than that of elders and deacons, that ministers must or may serve for life?" No, that is not the intention.

Confession of Faith:  Article 31Rome teaches that the office cleaves to the person, so that whenever a person is ordained to an office, he can never lose that office anymore; the office is inseparable from the person. Even if a person or priest is found out to have been abusive or guilty of serious crimes, he will not lose his office. He may lose his work in a certain area, maybe altogether, but he remains a priest. The office cleaves to the person. That is not what our fathers taught. The office does not cleave to the person, yet our fathers believed that God's servants have to serve for life. They base this not on the connection of the office to the person, but they base it on Scripture, as they did with everything. They said that according to God's Word the office of a minister requires all his love, all his time, all his willingness, all perseverance, separation from all other worldly callings, and the dedication of his whole life unto God; therefore he should serve for life.

Initially the fathers were not sure what to do with elders and deacons. The Synod of Middelburg in 1581 was asked to answer the question whether elders and deacons should serve for life or serve temporarily. Then Professor Danaeus of Leyden gave his advice. He stated that Scrip­ture does not say that those office‑bearers always remained in their offices, but it is silent about it. His advice therefore was that because Scripture does not state clearly that it has to be for life, change is not only permitted, but is also preferable in order to avoid ecclesiastical tyranny. In order to avoid tyranny and lording, that Synod decided to make the regulation that elders and deacons should serve for set terms, and not for life.

The terms varied; some preferred one or two years, while Voetius was very much in favor of three to five years. They also stated that whenever the circumstances and the need required it, those office-bearers might continue. This means that they may be re-nominated and be re-elected again, although the members have the right to vote for someone other than the incumbent. Our fathers wanted to avoid the hierarchy of serving for life. Thus they made a clear difference between the office of elders and deacons and the office of minister, on the basis of the task of the ministers, a task which requires all their love, all their time, and all their dedication. For this reason the ministers should be dedicated to the Lord with all that they are, and all that they have, and all their life.

Chosen by the members🔗

When office-bearers are chosen by the membership, they are asked whether they will accept this calling. Our fathers have stated that in the election by the congregation God shows whom He has chosen for the office. I know that a sincere person would like to have an indication from above that it is in God's favor and not just in His providence. I also believe that the Lord may speak once although He will not always do that. The Lord is not obliged to give a special testimony. Do not expect that any time you are re-elected you will have another text or another mes­sage. That is not what our fathers believed. God speaks through the election of the office-bearer by the congregation. That has to weigh heavily upon those who have been chosen. I would rather say that they need freedom to decline instead of saying they need an indication to accept. Yet we know that many things happen in God's providence, and not everything happens in His favor. A true child of God wishes to serve in God's favor, and he wants to know that the Lord has placed him in that office. Our fathers stated, "No man may intrude himself by indecent means." They meant that an office may not be bought with money or by soliciting for it. Those elected should feel in their heart that they are called by God. This is according to Hebrews 5:4, "And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." Therefore, they said, he is "bound to wait till it shall please God to call him."

I believe if the Lord calls to a certain office, He will Himself also open the way to fulfil His Word Himself. Then we do not have to explore all kinds of opportunities and do not have to try to help the Lord a little bit. The mark of the work of God is that man is placed outside of it, that we may feel and know that the Lord has done it Himself, and that we did not bring ourselves into the office.

All churches are equal🔗

Another point which our fathers emphasized here is that there should be no hierarchy. This means that ministers of God's Word "have equally the same power and authority wheresoever they are." So a large church may not rule over a small church, or a poor church with many poor people may not be governed by a rich church, and one office-bearer may not rule over another. Not the Pope, but Christ, is the only Head of the church. We read in Colossians 1:18, "And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the begin­ning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the pre-eminence."

The Head of the church🔗

The Lutherans had what we call superintendents. They were supervi­sors who were placed or appointed by the government to supervise the churches and also the ministers in a certain area. But when this was proposed in the Netherlands, the Synod of Middelburg in 1581 deemed this to be both unnecessary and dangerous. Confession of Faith:  Article 31They desired no superintendents in the Reformed churches in the Netherlands, for fear of the reintroduction of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. The office is the same in all. One of our fathers said, "God's servants are equal, for they are all called by God, and they all preach the same gospel." They are all unfit and unable of themselves, and they all have the same promise, which we read in Daniel 12:3, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."

Christ is the only Head of the church, and He reigns:

  1. Through His inspired Word;
  2. Through the apostolic instructions transmitted to us, as also the ministry; "And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers" (Ephesians 4:11);
  3. Through His own spiritual presence; and that presence extends to all His members, for we read in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them." That spiritual presence will be there till the end of the world. "And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).

Respect for the offices🔗

Then our fathers conclude with a warning that we should respect "this holy ordinance of God." If respect for God and His Word disappears, then also the respect disappears for those who may bring that Word. Therefore they warn: "We say that everyone ought to esteem the ministers of God's Word and the elders of the church very highly for their work's sake, and be at peace with them without murmuring, strife, or contention, as much as possible."

This instruction is based on what the Lord Himself says in Hebrews 13:17, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account." I hope we often realize that they must give an account to God, "that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."

God's servants, the elders, those who labor in God's vineyard, need your prayers, that they might be made watchful, honest, and faithful. May the Lord give them the wisdom, love, and courage to continue, in spite of the many disappointments which they experience.

Confession of Faith:  Article 31"If you pray them full, they will preach you full," is a saying which the older ones may remember, and there is much truth in it. Blessed, happy congregations, which are served by ministers and elders who often sit, with Mary, at Jesus' feet, and who, as empty vessels, come to Him to be ministered by "Christ, the universal Bishop, and the only Head of the Church," office-bearers with broken legs, who need to be carried and cannot help themselves. But also those are blessed churches where there are needy, hungry people who need that great Office-bearer, Christ, as much as their ministers need Him.

Oh, that there might be much work for Him, by the emptying ministry of the Spirit in our hearts! Then we would also highly esteem the means of grace and those who may minister among us. Then their labors might be a blessing for us and our children.

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