The starting point must always be God.... The first answer of the gospel can always, in effect, be put in this way: Forget yourself and contemplate God.
Expelling the World Only a New Love is Adequate to Expel the Old One
Love and Its Counterfeit
In this article, the love for God shown by those who were beheaded for their faith is compared to the selfish kind of love that Christians tend to live out today. The article therefore encourages us to lay down our lives for others by way of showing the love of Christ. In this reflection 1 John 3:16-18 is instrumental.
Foundations of Political Action
The article revisits one of the great works of Augustine of Hippo, City of God, and discusses some of its main themes: man's love for God and man's love for men that may include man's love for himself. These major lessons are based on the Lord's command to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:37).
Love – and it's Relations A Study on the First Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5
Love and Its Correlatives
The power of His glory
"You want to know what your problem is? You don’t love Jesus enough. I know this not because I know you, but because I know me. I’ve got the same problem. My wife has the same problem, as do my kids. The sheep in my flock suffer from the same problem". This article looks at the relation of love for God and sanctification. The author also discusses seeking God and our holiness, and holiness in society and culture.