Why Would You Say Yes?
Christian obedience is rooted in trusting God's wisdom and not your own. This article explains how this is demonstrated by the life of Noah when he answered the call to build the ark.
The Covenant with Noah
Raven of the Gospel
Jesus' Ark
Luke 17:34 – "On That Night"
This article's thesis is that Luke 17:34-35 is about the sudden coming of the kingdom. Its concentrates on this coming as an occasion when some people are irrevocably separated from others without any apparent warning. The patterns of Lot and Noah and the exodus form the background for understanding this sudden and final separation and judgment.
Immanuel in Our Place – Altars: Occasional Testimonies to Sacred Space
A place of worship between the fall and the exodus is called an altar. Chapter 2 gives an overview of how these altars functioned as places of God’s presence. Longman reflects on the altar law of Exodus 20: 24-26, the significance of the altars of Noah and the patriarchs (Genesis 12), and God’s special presence at these altars.
Interpreting First Peter
He Walked with God
The author revisits the crucial story of Noah.
Favor in God’s Eyes
This article focuses on the importance of taking time to consider the weightiness of sin and its consequences. The article traces how sin affected Old Testament figures such as Adam and Noah, as well as the flood victims. From the flood, Noah was delivered but not on account of inherent qualities in him.
Garden Temple
Beale notes the cultic affinities drawn between the garden of Eden and the temple of Israel. The word pair usually translated as "cultivate" ('abad) and "keep" (shamar) occur together in the Old Testament elsewhere referring only either to Israelites "serving" God and "guarding" (keeping) God's Word, or to priests who "keep" the "service" (or "charge") of the tabernacle.
The Table of Nations
How was the biblical Table of Nations (Genesis 10) spread out? This map shows the spread of the descendants of Noah according to the perspective of some Jewish traditions.
The Ancient Near East Between 3000 and 2000 BC
The Ancient Near East
What did the world of the Ancient Near East look like? This map shows major cities, rivers and mountains, and important regions (such as Mesopotamia and the Levant) which are related to the earliest biblical accounts of human history. The region where the cities are most concentrated - stretching from Mesopotamia, the Levant (Palestine) and up to the upper regions of the Nile River - is also called the Fertile Crescent.
Genesis 6-9 - How Should We Then Read Genesis 6-9?
This article looks at what it means to read Genesis 6-9 in its proper context. The author shows how the story of Noah and the Flood is distorted when placed in a context outside of its biblical context.