Soul-Care in a Fitness-Crazed World
The world in which we live is obsessed with healthy bodies, while it ignores caring for the health of the soul. The article discusses the vanity of focus only on our earthly bodies in contrast to the great gain that comes through healthy souls.
Biblical Teaching on the Existence of the Soul
Proof of a Separate State of Souls between Death and the Resurrection (Part 3)
In continuation of this topic, the author now examines Scripture texts that present firm evidence for a separate state of the soul immediately after death. In doing so, the author also refutes other explanations that have been provided to argue against the separate state.
The Intermediate State (6)
This is the last of six articles about the intermediate state, death, and what happens when Christians die. This article discusses whether the soul is mortal or immortal ("immortality of the soul").
The Intermediate State (2)
This is the second of six articles about the intermediate state, death, and what happens when Christians die. Christians have the hope and knowledge that after death they live in their soul with Christ in heaven. The article looks at the resurrection of the soul and judgment after death.
The Intermediate State (1)
This is the first of six articles about the intermediate state, death, and what happens when Christians die. This article looks at the separation of body and soul, "body-sleep", burial and it discusses the comfort Christians can have.
Soul Confusion
This article warns against viewing humans as having a division between body and soul. The author discusses a proper way of thinking about man in relation to the resurrection.