Inducted into Grace No One can Study for You, but the Rewards are Boundless
Cracking the Narrative Code
This article discusses biblical narrative, particularly the parts of it and then the process of interpretation.
Three Steps to Studying the Bible
This article offers a practical guide to biblical interpretation, following a three-step process: consider what the text meant, what it means, and how it applies today.
The Reformation and Biblical Interpretation
Over against the fourfold meaning of Scripture held by the Roman Catholic Church, this article shows why the Reformers held to the grammatical-historical method of biblical interpretation.
Ezekiel's Rhetoric: Ancient Near Eastern Building Protocol and Shame and Honor as the Keys in Identifying the Builder of the Eschatological Temple
How does information about building practices from the ancient Near East support an interpretation of the book of Ezekiel? Peterson's thesis is that Ezekiel deliberately omits some key human elements from ANE temple-building practices in his temple vision of Ezekiel 40:1-Ezekiel 43:11, in an effort to help Israel to realize the nature of their sin.
Two Testaments in Parallel: The Influence of the Old Testament on the Structuring of the New Testament Canon
This article explores the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and whether there are structural connections between the two. Did the order of the the Old Testament books influence the ordering of the books of the New Testament canon? The article further considers what the possible implications are for the reading and interpretation of the Bible as one book.
The Offering of Abel (Genesis 4:4): A History of Interpretation
This essay reflects on the significance of the offering of Abel in Genesis 4:4. It offers a reflection of the history of interpretation beginning with early Jewish writers, continuing with the New Testament and early Christian writers, and into the modern period.
The Role of the Spirit in Interpretation
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the interpretation of Holy Scripture? This is a topic that is related to the contextualization of the gospel in new situations and cultures. According to Pinnock the work of the Spirit in illuminating the Scriptures is underemphasized in theological literature. He sees it as part of a proper hermeneutical theory. He offers a number of ideas to further the consideration of the topic.
Let the Reader Understand – Truth, Language, and Sin
The volume is a study of hermeneutics. In Chapter 1 the foundation is laid for a proper understanding of the task of interpretation of Scripture by spelling out the presuppositions of responsible interpretation.
Biblical Interpretation through the Centuries
Is there a right way of interpreting the Bible? This article looks at the two views of Scripture and its interpretation that have emerged in church history: Scripture's meaning lies only in its primary, historical sense; and Scripture's ultimate meaning lies in its fuller, revelatory sense.
Doing Investigative Theology: Asking Proper Questions of the Biblical Text
Key to Bible reading and interpretation is being able to ask the right questions. This article looks at five questions you can ask in your Bible reading to understand its message.
Historical Criticism in the Dock: Recent Developments in Germany
What was the state of historical criticism in Germany at the beginning of the 1980s? Piper surveys the developments in the historical-critical method of interpretation of the New Testament as it developed in Germany.
Hermeneutical Issues in the Book of Daniel
There are important hermeneutical issues involved in the interpretation of the book of Daniel. Is the book genuine prophecy? Is it a form of apocalyptic literature?
Some Reflections on Galatians 3:28, Sexual Roles and Biblical Hermeneutics
Galatians 3:28 plays an important role in the discussions about gender roles. Some matters of interpretation and hermeneutics are considered.
The Authority and Meaning of the Christian Canon: A Response to Gerald Sheppard on Canon Criticism
Piper responds to the views of Gerald Sheppard on canon criticism. He explains in what respects he cannot agree. Aspects Piper notes include the authority of Scripture and the problem of interpretation.
Moses and the King of Siam
How should Genesis 1 be read? Youngblood explores the characteristics and conventions of ancient writing and how they bear on the interpretation of Genesis 1.
Rudolph Bultmann – Removing the False Offence
What was Rudolph Bultmann's concern in his project to demythologize Scripture? This paper tries to take away wrong perceptions of Bultmann's agenda regarding the interpretation of Scripture by taking a closer look of the meaning of myth for Bultmann.
Theological Influence on Translation
Bible translation involves interpretation. Translation and interpretation are a theological engagement with the Bible. Woudstra reflects on questions of Bible translation and the role of theological influence upon it.
A Parabolic View of the Song of Solomon
This paper concerns itself with the interpretation of the Song of Solomon (Song of Songs). It provides a historical overview of the interpretation of the book, beginning with an allegorical approach.
The Relevance of Scientific Thought to Scriptural Interpretation
Can an appeal be made to science and its conclusions to help us in the interpretation of Scripture? Can scientific information aid in the interpretation of Scripture? Young reflects on these questions and illustrates with examples from Genesis 2:7 and Ephesians 4:8.
The Principles of Interpreting Genesis 1 and 2
Macrae discusses principles of interpretation for Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.
Interpretation: Christians Can Understand the Word of God
Christians have the responsibility to personally read and interpret Scripture. This article offers five principles which will guard Christians from misinterpreting Scripture.
Our Posture before the Word of God
Perkins: Father of English Commentators
Background in Biblical Interpretation (Part 2)
This article discusses the use of archaeology and historical background studies while keeping biblical text as the center of interpretation.
Background in Biblical Interpretation (Part 1)
This article looks at the contribution of background studies to the text of the Bible and the impact they have on interpretation. Archaeology and historical studies can hinder or enrich the meaning of a text.
Felled by "Good Pleasure"
The Second Council of Constantinople anathematized the literal historical approach of interpreting Scripture associated with the School of Antioch as the breeder of heresy, while the council embraced allegory as the proper method of interpretation. This article looks at the historical account of these events.
How Do We Interpret the Bible?
The Riches of the Psalms
Barriers to Bible Study?
I Still don’t Know what Redemptive-historical Interpretation is!
The Right of Private Interpretation?
Matthew Henry on the Aim of Exposition
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 1: The Meaning and Interpretation of Scripture
Bible Study
Towards Understanding the Bible
Scripture and Christian Ethics
While he focuses on Psalm 119, Oliver O’Donovan here explores the task of Christian ethics and Scripture as God’s word to illumine our path.
Acts 15:16-18 - The Use of Amos 9:11-12 in Acts 15:16-18
One aspect of hermeneutics which has provided no lack of scholarly discussion is the question of the interpretation and use of the Old Testament scriptures with regard to New Testament doctrine and practice. Discussion of this topic must consider the way in which the New Testament authors understood and applied the Old Testament.
Interpreting Scripture (Part 2)
How can I hear what God wants to say to me through Scripture? How can I understand Bible passages? How do I interpret Scripture? These two articles discuss the interpretation of Scripture by focussing on three genres of Scripture: narrative texts, instruction texts, and prayer texts.
The Role of the Bible in Formation and Transformation
This article is concerned with the part that the Bible plays in the formation of Christians, especially those called to leadership ministry. How can we read the Bible and have it form us, without bringing our own pre-formed agendas to the text? The many challenges in reading the Bible on its own terms is noted, not least laying aside modern categories for enquiry.
Interpreting Scripture (Part 1)
How can I hear what God wants to say to me through Scripture? How can I understand Bible passages? How do I interpret Scripture? These two articles discuss the interpretation of Scripture by focussing on three genres of Scripture: narrative texts, instruction texts, and prayer texts.