The Work of the Spirit That Anticipates the Future
Why was it for the disciples' advantage that Jesus go away and send the Holy Spirit as helper (John 16:7)? This article explains that the Spirit would come to work in the church through the Word, to bind the church to the Christ of the past and the future.
How Is the Holy Spirit Our Helper?
John 16:7 tells us that the Holy Spirit is our our helper or comforter (paraclete). This article reflects on what this means for the church.
Christ Glorified
The Comfort of a Triune God John 16
John 16:8-11 – The Holy Spirit and the World
Holy Spirit: The Only Effectual Reformer
This article considers the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about change in peoples' hearts. It examines this work through the lens of John 16:8-11.
The Holy Spirit and the World
The Illuminating Work of the Holy Spirit in Daily Bible Reading and Discipleship
How can Scripture be understood? To understand the Bible we need the Holy Spirit. From John 16:13 this article distinguishes the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiration and illumination, to show how He guides us in Bible reading.
Full Glory: No More Parables
The Helper
This article looks at the work of the Holy Spirit in the context of John 14 to John 16. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, He leads us to Christ, and through Him the Son and the Father dwell in us.