John 20:1-18 - A Personal Encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus
Jesus Isn't Ashamed of You
This article shows from John 20:17 that Jesus is not ashamed to call us his brothers (and sisters).
John 20:29b – Christ's Assurance That Many Will Confess Him as Risen Lord
John 20:6-9 – Christ Has Really Risen from the Dead
The Gardener and the Beloved, Part 3
This article gives the explanation for why the Lord Jesus told Mary Magdalene in John 20:17, "Do not cling to me." The author argues that Jesus is acting out of the prophetic typology of the Song of Songs.
The Gardener and the Beloved, Part 2
This article shows a correspondence between the details of the encounter between Mary Magdalene and the Lord Jesus after his resurrection (John 20), and the Song of Songs.
The Meaning of "Touch Me Not" in John 20:17
This article is an interpretation of Jesus' words to Mary in John 20:17.
John 20 – Revelation and The Wreckage
This article is a Bible study on John 20.
Jesus, the Ark, and the Day of Atonement: Inter-Textual Echoes in John 19:38-20:18
The focus of the study is on John 20:12. The author uses the whole of John 19:38-John 20:18 as a basis of his study. He reflects on the possibility to see in John 20:12 an allusion to the ark of the covenant. Lunn finds a number of related allusions in the immediate context. He further explores the theological implications of such allusions from the Torah. Lunn reviews the interpretation of Jesus' words about his ascension in John 20:17.
Evidence That the Perfect Tense in John 20:23 and Matthew 16:19 Is Mistranslated
This paper considers the best way to translate John 20:23 and Matthew 16:19.
A Compassionate Christ and a Doubting Disciple
Jesus' Appearance on Resurrection Night
An Easter Confession: “My Lord and My God!”
John 20:17 - Celebrating the Real Absence of Jesus
John 20:19 - Peace
"Rarely, Rarely Comest Thou Spirit of Delight"
This article looks at John 20:19-31. Jesus dealt lovingly with doubting Thomas, and is able in the same way to deal lovingly with those struggling wih doubt, depression or anxiety today.
John 20:20 – Time for Joy!
John 20:24-29 – Is Doubt Good?
John 20:17 – Instruction to Perfection
The Breath of God
This article is about the Holy Spirit as the breath of God. The author discusses the Holy Spirit in creation and new creation, John 20:22, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture.