Keep Keeping On: Perseverance of the Saints – TULIP Part 5
This article explains the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints.
This article explains the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints.
This article explains the doctrine of irresistible grace.
This article explains the doctrine of limited atonement.
This article discusses the doctrine of unconditional election.
This article begins by discussing the term "Calvinism." It offers a brief overview of the commitment of John Calvin to proclaim the glory of God, in the midst of a life of great suffering. Then it discusses the doctrine of total depravity.
This article discusses Luke 10:38-42, and the lessons to be learned from Martha's misplaced priorities.
What are you to make of a Christian's claim that God led them to do something? This article considers what we are permitted to say concerning the leading of the Holy Spirit in our life.
This article explains the teaching of soul sleep ("psychopannychism"), and follows up with why this teaching is not biblical. The believer who dies is immediately with the Lord Jesus.
This article outlines what makes gluttony a sin that is more difficult to identify than one would expect. There is no test that is a one-size-fits-all. At the same time, it does get to the heart of what makes gluttony a sin.
This article discusses the Hebrew way of counting, to show that the Lord Jesus was indeed in the grave for three days.
This article lays out the discussion surrounding the question of whether or not the Lord Jesus sweat blood in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44).
This article offers five ways to grieve in a way that honours God: do not be angry at God, rest in his sovereignty, realize it is good to grieve, rejoice in the hope of a reunion, and reach out to others.