The Canticles of Christmas: Singing the Songs of Zechariah, Mary, the Angels, and Simeon
The singing of canticles has been a part of Christian worship for centuries. This article reflects on the "Canticles of Christmas" as a refreshing departure from as well as an excellent alternative to today's trendy musicals. The songs of Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon are reflected upon as rich songs of worship.
Straight from Scripture
This is the second article in a series on the singing of Psalms in Christian worship. It compares ways of singing the psalms: those who chant the Psalms directly from the Bible and those who sing metrical paraphrases of the Psalms.
Singing Scripture – A Healthy Revival
For centuries Christians have been singing both the psalms and other portions of Scripture (canticles). This article offers a reflection on Scripture songs as part of Christian worship.
Expository Preaching – The Antidote to Anemic Worship
What is central to Christian worship? This article answers this question by pointing out that the heart of Christian worship is the authentic preaching of the Word of God.
The End of the Gospel: Worship
In this article the author chides much of what is called Christian worship today as being empty philosophical notions. The author explores worship based on the examples replete in the biblical text, such as in the Psalter, the Gospels, and other parts of the Bible.
What Is “Biblical” Worship? Biblical Hermeneutics and Evangelical Theologies of Worship
Christian worship must be biblical worship. What are the hermeneutical principles involved in developing a good biblical theology of worship? The primary goal in this paper is to clarify some of the hermeneutical confusion, by noting some of the distinct approaches that do exist in the English, Scottish, and American Presbyterian traditions.
The Public Reading of Scripture in Early Judaism
The use of Jewish liturgical practices to reconstruct early Christian worship is not without difficulties. This essay offers a survey of the ancient evidence for the public reading of Scripture in early Judaism.
Christian Worship
What is Christian worship? Worship springs out of our basic theological convictions and expresses them. Morris explores both the Old and New Testament understanding of what worship is.
The Puritan Approach to Worship
There are mainly three questions facing the church about worship: In what sense are the Scriptures authoritative for Christian worship? What regulations are proper for Christian worship? What discipline is proper in connection with worship? The Puritans answered these questions by pointing to the essence of worship.