Why Do We Worship the Way We Do?
The regulative principle of worship is based on the conviction that we are to worship God only as He commands. This article shows the basis of this conviction, and discusses what our worship should look like.
The Regulative Principle of Worship
This article discusses the regulative principle of worship. God has prescribed how he wants to be worshiped, and our worship is a meeting with God.
The Regulative Principle of Worship (2)
The regulative principle of worship states that God does not only call us to worship him, but also tells us how to worship him. Public worship is regulated by God, and this is where the true freedom of worship lies. This article explains this principle as it appears in the New Testament.
The Regulative Principle of Worship (1)
The regulative principle of worship states that God does not only call us to worship him, but also tells us how to worship him. Public worship is regulated by God, and this is where the true freedom of worship lies. This article explains this principle as it is rooted in the Old Testament.
Worship and the Chief End of Man
Discussing the principle of "Soli Deo Gloria" in relation to worship, this article shows that worship is not only about God, but also about the church. The author validates this argument by distinguishing between man's ultimate goal and man's immediate goals. This is applied to the regulative principle on the place of children in worship and the singing of laments.
The Regulative Principle
This article looks at the regulative principle and how we should understand this principle today.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:1 and 2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:1 and 2 is about the regulative principle in worship.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:3, 4 and 5
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:3, 4 and 5 is about the regulative principle in worship.
Reformed Worship
The Observance of Christmas
This article looks at the Christian calendar, observing sacred days and the regulative principle.
Is Christmas Scriptural?
The author looks at the observance of Christmas and the regulative principle, and also discusses the Christian calendar.