Why Contend for the Faith?
Why should Christians contend for the faith? It is because Christ is worth it, the Bible commands it, martyrs died for it, and the lost are worth it. These are four reasons for defending the faith motivated by Jude 4.
Why should Christians contend for the faith? It is because Christ is worth it, the Bible commands it, martyrs died for it, and the lost are worth it. These are four reasons for defending the faith motivated by Jude 4.
How to help men addicted to pornography? Build a relationship, learn to speak the truth in love, confront in love, be gospel-centred. These are the four ways discussed in this article.
How to talk with children about sex? This article points to three things Jesus gave parents to provide godly sex education.
How to help people struggling with pornography? In counseling people who are addicted to pornography the goal is not behavior modification, but a change of heart. This article examines different motives that lead people to pornography and how one can help them.
How can sex trafficking be stopped? The fight against pornography and human trafficking is the fight for human dignity. Pornography and sex trafficking turn people to slaves. Regaining human dignity can only be through the gospel. This is what the article argues for.
Reading the Bible, being in a Bible-believing church, finding godly friends, confessing your sin, and celebrating victory can be of great help in fighting addiction to pornography. This is what the article argues for.
How to fight pornography? This article shows that the fight against pornography lies in valuing the biblical understanding of manhood and womanhood. This understanding is an antidote to pornography and what the church can do to promote the biblical view on gender.
Is Hebrews 6:1-8 contrary to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints? After studying some keywords from this text, the article argues that the passage meets the people of God at their greatest need by wooing them to draw not away from, but deeper into the gospel for greater assurance of salvation and confidence in their salvation.
What is predestination? Predestination seeks to express the truth that God has chosen his people before the foundation of the world for eternal salvation. This article gives the biblical ground for this teaching, its place in Reformed theology, and its comfort to the believer.
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation? This question is answered in this article by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints.
Why are not all people saved? This article answers this question by looking at the relationship between limited atonement, election, and total depravity.
Can God be known? Knowing God is dependent on his revelation. This article discusses the relationship between God's revelation and his incomprehensibility. It concludes that knowing God is possible because God has revealed himself to us, so that we can know him—not exhaustively, but according to his perfect and wise counsel.
What does "soli Deo gloria" mean? Key to answering this question is the definition of the word glory. After defining it, this article shows that to confess it is to recognize that God is altogether perfect, and therefore utterly worthy of our worship.
What does it mean that God is present? This article shows how Christians can speak about the immanence of God and yet avoid the danger of pantheism and panentheism. It also discusses how Christians should view the relationship between God's transcendence and his immanence.
How can we regain morality? Morality does not come through good works, but through faith in Christ. This article argues that it is a high view of God and Christ that leads to morality. It shows why moral relativism fails.
What does it mean that God is almighty? The omnipotence of God is the answer to this question. It speaks of his ability to bring to fruition all that he sovereignly wills, because he is almighty. This article explains what this means and how the believer should find rest in this truth.
Does God know everything? The answer is found in the truth of the omniscience of God. This article explains the two sides of the knowledge of God and the impact it has on worshipping him.
What does it mean that God is eternal? This expresses the truth that there never was a time when God was not, and there never will be a time when God is not.
What does it mean to say "God is good"? To answer this question this article looks at how the goodness of God is described in the Bible, and how the Bible calls us to respond to his goodness.
What does "God is love" mean? To understand the love of God, this article contrasts it with the object of God's love. Then it defines and describes God's love. It explains the implications this has for the believer.
What is the Trinity? To answer this question this article gives a brief survey of the key people, debates, terminology, and councils that were influential in the development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the first five centuries after Christ.
What is the providence of God? To answer this question this article traces the doctrine of providence in the Bible, and explains how a biblical understanding of providence will help us in our daily lives as Christians.
What does it mean to say that God is gracious, merciful, and patient? God’s mercy means God’s goodness towards those in misery and distress. God’s grace means God’s goodness towards those who deserve only punishment. God’s patience means God’s goodness in withholding punishment toward those who sin over a period of time. This article explains these attributes of God and their implications for the Christian.
What is the meaning of God's self-sufficiency? It means God does not need you. This article shows how God's self-sufficiency should shape both the theology and worship of believers, and what the implications of it are.
What is the meaning of the righteousness of God? God’s righteousness means that God always acts in accordance with what is right. He himself is the final standard of what is right. This article shows how this righteousness is revealed in God's Word and in Christ, which gives the believer assurance of the justice of God.
What are the communicable attributes of God? After defining communicable attributes, this article explains the holiness, love, goodness, justice and righteousness, and wisdom of God and how they relate to knowing God.
How is God different from creatures? This article can be answered by understanding the difference between communicable attributes and incommunicable attributes. After explaining the difference this article looks at the aseity of God and its implication for believers.
What are miracles? This article defines miracles as extraordinary manifestations of our covenant Lord. Based on this definition it seek to understand the relationship of the miraculous to both nature and immediacy.
This article shows from the life of Matthew Henry that you can shape your prayer life with adoration, confession, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession.
What is biblical counseling? It can be defined by the definition of who or what is man, and who is God. This article shows how this understanding of the relationship between man and God is crucial for biblical counseling.
Preaching the doctrine of God starts by noting that God is the preacher. God calls preachers, indwells preachers through the Holy Spirit, equips preachers, and sends preachers. Out of this conviction, the preacher is prepared to preach the glory of God but also he must grow in the ways of God.
What it means to be human? This article examines the answer given by evolution, showing that it only leads to moral relativism. The creation account of man created in the image of God points to another direction.
This article will argue that when we read Genesis 1 in its context, it should be understood as a historical account that teaches that God created everything in six 24-hour days. It also argues that the grammatical-historical interpretation should be the principle of interpretation on the creation account.
How should Genesis 1-Genesis 2 be interpreted? This article evaluates four approaches to the interpretation of these chapters: the gap theory, theistic evolution, old earth creationism, and young earth creationism.
This article argues that our understanding of Adam and the Genesis account is crucial for Bible interpretation. Denying Adam as a real person in real history has devastating consequences on our understanding of the Bible, of mankind, sin, salvation, and other topics. This article demonstrates how this is so.
What kind of literature is Genesis 1-11? This question is crucial for the interpretation of Genesis 1-11. Therefore to answer the question one must ask: how did the biblical authors treat this? This article concludes that we should take Genesis 1–11 as straightforward, accurate, literal history because Jesus, the apostles, and all the other biblical writers did so.
Was Adam a true historical figure? To answer this question the article looks at the context of the biblical account on the creation of Adam. It concludes that if Adam was not a true historical figure then there is no need for a Saviour. It also means that the Bible cannot be trusted as a source of literal truth.
What is important when considering adoption? There are four things to consider: a quality adoption agency, prepare yourself for the journey, be realistic about the child you are adopting, and remember God has adopted you.
The journey of adoption is not an easy path. This article gives five important factors to consider when one thinks about adopting.
Why is abortion wrong? To answer this question another one must be asked: is the unborn a person? After arguing that the unborn is a person, this article concludes that the unborn, from the moment of conception, has a right to life that is on the same level as infants, children, and adults. Therefore, abortion is simply to end the life of another human being with equal rights and deserving of equal protection.
Why should Christians stand against abortion? After defining what abortion is, this article gives biblical evidence for the pro-life position. It explains why abortion is wrong, gives statistics on abortion, and shows why Christians must stand up and speak out on ethical issues. It then shows how Christians can minister to those facing an abortion.
Why is abortion wrong? This article argues that the biblical teaching on adoption and the incarnation are in opposition to abortion.
What are the challenges of adoption? While adoption is a good thing and Christians should be encouraged to adopt, it also has some challenges. This article addresses those challenge and shows how the church can play a role in assisting adoptive parents.
Key to understanding the Bible is Jesus Christ. From Luke 24:27 this article argues that Christ is the master of Bible interpretation. Five basics truths are drawn from Christ's way of interpreting Scripture.
What is biblical meditation? This article argues that biblical meditation consists of theology going in and doxology going out. Biblical meditation should involve the head, heart, and hands.
Biblical illiteracy has become a problem in many churches. This article highlights the proofs of this problem. It show that to gain Bible knowledge again, Christians must learn to hear, read, study, memorize, meditate, and apply God's word.
Knowing the meanings of words is important for Bible reading. How do you determine what words mean? This article argues that the meaning of words lies in how they are used. It gives eight steps for doing word studies for biblical interpretation.
What is biblical illiteracy? This article argues that biblical illiteracy is not knowing redemptive history. This article shows that the cause of it lies in the mind and heart. It is through preaching that it can be cured.
Hermeneutics is the science and art of understanding and explaining the meaning of the biblical text. This article gives seven principles to consider for Bible interpretation.
From Deuteronomy 6:6-9 this article points to the goal of family devotions and the practice of it.
Bible reading for personal devotions is important. This article offers seven tips for nurturing your daily devotions and eight motivations for reading the Bible for personal devotions.
What is biblical preaching? Based on 2 Timothy 4:2 this article argues that biblical preaching must be characterized by warning, challenge, and exhortation.
This article shows that Bible reading is not mainly an individual endeavour; it is community issue. The author shows that from the time of the apostles the value of the public reading of Scripture was emphasized.
How can Scripture be understood? To understand the Bible we need the Holy Spirit. From John 16:13 this article distinguishes the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiration and illumination, to show how He guides us in Bible reading.
How are you to listen to a sermon? This article gives three keys to sermon listening: have an open Bible, take notes, and learn to interpret.
Is there a right way of interpreting the Bible? This article looks at the two views of Scripture and its interpretation that have emerged in church history: Scripture's meaning lies only in its primary, historical sense; and Scripture's ultimate meaning lies in its fuller, revelatory sense.
Why is biblical theology needed? Biblical theology is principally concerned with the overall theological message of the whole Bible. This article explains why you need to incorporate biblical theology into your personal study, your church ministry, your theological formulation, and your personal evangelism and disciple-making.
Key to Bible reading and interpretation is being able to ask the right questions. This article looks at five questions you can ask in your Bible reading to understand its message.
How to lead a Bible study? This article looks at the role of the leader in a small groups Bible study, and gives practical tips on leading the study. It also looks at common problems that arise during a Bible study.
Why is Jesus the only Saviour? The answer to this question is found in the truth of the incarnation. It is through the incarnation that the challenge of the atonement is met, for it is only one who is both God and man who can truly atone for sin.
Why was it important that Jesus be God and man? The doctrine of the hypostatic union seeks to explain the joining together of the two natures of Christ. This article looks at the history of this teaching in the Council of Chalcedon. It deals with the importance of this doctrine and its relevance for understanding Christ's work for the believer.
Is Jesus omniscient? In the Bible Jesus is portrayed as growing in knowledge. This article explains how this can be reconciled with the truth that Jesus is God and thus omniscient. The answer is found in Christ being true man and true God as taught in Philippians 2:5-8. This truth is a mystery.
How can you help those who are suffering? What is needed to counsel those who are suffering is a theology of suffering. Such a theology considers who God is, the origins of suffering, the why of suffering, God's response to suffering, and the end of suffering.
The prosperity gospel is one of the deadliest teachings in the world today. After defining it as God’s plan for you to live your best life now, this article gives three areas where it twists Scripture and three ways of countering this twisting of Scripture.
How should preaching address suffering? This article explains that it is through preaching the sufferings of Christ, preaching as a fellow-sufferer, and preaching the coming kingdom.
Why did Christ suffer? His suffering was part of God's plan before the foundation of the earth. From Revelation 13:8 this article makes its argument.
Did God create evil? To answer this question, another one must be asked: what is evil? This article looks at how Augustine answered both these questions.
Why is being God-centred essential to the Christian life? It matters because of the gospel, prayer, Bible reading and church community.
What does it mean to have hope? Christian hope is differently from worldly hope. Based on Romans 15:8-13 this article shows that Christian hope in its nature is rooted in the faithfulness of God.
How can you make sense of pain? Based on 2 Corinthians 11:24-28 this article shows that pain, evil, and suffering can make sense when one acknowledges the reality of it, the purpose of it, and God's providential involvement in it.
Why is there evil in life? Understanding the relationship between the existence of evil and the sovereignty of God and his goodness is essential for every Christian. From the book of Job this article show how suffering relates to God, with focus on the purpose and way of dealing with suffering.
If God is sovereign, why pray? Understanding the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God is important to the practice of prayer, for it protects one against fatalism. This article gives three important truths about the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God.
How to be comforted in suffering? The answer is found in knowing the sovereignty of God. This article explains what the Bible means by God's sovereignty and it shows how this is the source of comfort in suffering.