Spirit of the Age
The Bible teaches that Adam produced death. The opposing view has to say that in some manner death produced Adam.
Why Would He do it Like That ?
Is Theistic Evolution Credible?
Peleg in Genesis 10:25
The interpretation of Genesis 10:25 has become a hot topic in the creation/theistic evolution debate primarily among young-earth creationists who want to explain biblically the separation of the continents. This article responds to this discussion.
Interpretation of the Genesis Creation Narrative
How should Genesis 1-Genesis 2 be interpreted? This article evaluates four approaches to the interpretation of these chapters: the gap theory, theistic evolution, old earth creationism, and young earth creationism.
Our Father and His Creation
The Creation Or Evolution Debate: Evolution and the Compromise of Christians
The Relevance of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation
The Achilles Heel of Theistic Evolutionism
My Spiritual Pilgrimage from Theistic Evolution to Creation
Ideas Have Consequences: The Cult of Charles Darwin (5)
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has great consequences for society. This article traces some of those consequences. The author discusses the emergence of theistic evolution, which seeks to harmonize evolution theory with the story of creation. This theory has had a devastating impact on the church.