Belgic Confession Articles 18-19: The Person of Jesus Christ
The Man Christ Jesus
In this article Ware argues for the importance of viewing Christ as the God-man, which emphasizes the unity of the two natures of Jesus Christ. In support of his position, he appeals to two features of the life and ministry of Christ. The first consideration is the significance of Jesus who came as the long-awaited Messiah. Next, Ware considers the reality of the impeccability of Jesus.
The Hypostatic Union: Its Construct and Importance for the Believer
Why was it important that Jesus be God and man? The doctrine of the hypostatic union seeks to explain the joining together of the two natures of Christ. This article looks at the history of this teaching in the Council of Chalcedon. It deals with the importance of this doctrine and its relevance for understanding Christ's work for the believer.