Apostolic Confession - Christ: Conceived, Born
Jesus The Deliverer King The Biblical-Historical Connection between the Baptism of Jesus, the giving of Spirit, and the Wilderness Temptation
Luke 2:21 – "He Was Called Jesus"
The Use of Hosea 11:1 in Matthew 2:15: One More Time
The interpretation of how Hosea 11:1 uses Matthew 2:15 has a troubled history. Beale gives a short overview of interpretations before he offers his grammatical-historical and biblical-theological approach. Beale concludes that Matthew makes a comparison between Jesus as the "son" with the "son" of Hosea.
Tough Topics – Could Jesus have Sinned
Jesus “knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Chapter 4 reflects on the question whether Jesus could have sinned at all.
Is Daniel 9:24-27 a Prophecy of Jesus?
Was Daniel’s prophecy about the coming “Anointed One" (Messiah) reliable? Are there two Messiahs spoken of in Daniel 9:24-27? How does this text relate to Jesus? Kaiser reflects on these questions.
The Lordship of Christ
The article exposes some of the holes in the arguments of the Islamic faith that accepts Jesus as a true prophet of God and yet denies his deity. There is a fundamental error in accepting both Jesus and Muhammad as true prophets of God.
Who is Jesus? And What Does Jesus Have to do With Jehovah?
Who is Jesus? This article answers this question by looking at the divine and the human nature of Jesus Christ. The author shows how Christ's nature was relevant for what He accomplished.
The Person of Christ
This article shows how Song of Solomon 5 speaks about the Person of Christ, pointing to the purity, obedience, supremacy, and deity of Jesus Christ.
The Lord of Glory
Jesus Preached Christ
Jesus' preaching recorded in the book of John was centered around Himself. Jesus presented Himself as the bread of life, the light of the world, the door for the sheep, the good shepherd, the resurrection and life, the way, truth and life, and the true vine. Therefore, isn't this what we must also preach?
I Believe … In Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, Our Lord
This article on the Apostles' Creed describes what Christians confess when they say "Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord." The name 'Jesus' points to Christ's work as Saviour, while the title 'Christ' points to how Jesus accomplishes this through the three offices. 'Begotten' refers to Christ as the second person of the Trinity, and 'Lord' speaks of His deity.
Ever Met a Perfect Man?
Jesus was the only true and perfect man to ever live. Looking at the perfection of Christ from birth and His obedience in death and resurrection, this article shows that Jesus is the only Saviour who can truly deal with the problem of man - sin.
The Lord Jesus Christ: Human ‘Superstar’?
Not Just 'Jesus'
Jesus in the Koran
Luke 2:21 – From Law to Gospel
Matthew 1:21 - His Name Shall be Jesus
God’s Only Begotten Son
The Historical Jesus among the Rabbis: Prayer, Divorce and Earthly Rewards
This article compares the recorded teachings of Jesus to what is now known about the teaching of rabbis in the first half of the first century. The author looks at three examples: prayer, divorce and earthly rewards. Knowledge of the Rabbinic teachings is used to illuminate the meaning of the recorded words of Jesus.
Is Jesus Christ Man's Only Hope for Salvation?
What is Jesus' role in our salvation? This article addresses this question and discusses how it relates to evangelism. Do people have to hear the Gospel in order to be saved?
What is Spiritual Direction?
In this article comprehensive introduction to the subject of Spiritual Direction is given. The author outlines the purpose, processes and content of Spiritual Direction. She further explores various models for understanding the practice of one person meeting with another for guidance and companionship.
In Him Are Hid All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge
John 10:16 - Jesus the Good Shepherd Who Will Also Bring Other Sheep
John 10:16 sheds significant light on Jesus’ messianic consciousness during his earthly ministry. Scholarly treatments, however, focus almost exclusively on John's use of the Old Testament without giving attention to questions regarding the historical Jesus.