Flying Serpents?
The Hebrew expression "saraph me'opheph" occurs twice in the Old Testament, and both times in Isaiah. Isaiah 14:29 refers to the "fiery flying serpent" and Isaiah 30:6 the term is usually understood as a reference to the sand-viper. Such interpretations imply that these creatures were semi-mythological. This article calls into question this interpretation, showing from contemporary data that these creatures may have been some kind of poisonous winged insect.
Lucifer, Who or What?
Is Lucifer the same as Satan? The author argues that Lucifer is the proud but fallen king of Babylon. Lucifer is only once mentioned in the Bible, and that at Isaiah 14:12.
Christians And Contraception: Convenience or Kingdom Thinking?
After showing that sex is not only intended for procreation and that the Bible does allow the regulation of reproduction, this articles evaluates the use of contraception by Christians. The author states that many contraceptives used are abortive in nature, and discourages Christians to use these contraceptives. He encourages Christians to wrestle with the issue of family planning, so that it may be done to the glory of God.