It is easier to cry against one thousand sins of others than to kill one of your own.
Three Ways Sin Attacks
Fighting sin is the warfare in which every Christian is engaged. How can you engage better in this battle of the mortification of sin? Know the three ways that sin attacks: fromĀ Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh.
Awakening Sin to Kill It
Mortification of sin can happen when you see sin for what it is. This article discusses five motivations for mortifying sin.
Clarification on Mortification
To mortify means to put to death. Mortification of sin is putting sin to death. How do you pursue proper mortification of sin and avoid false forms of mortification? This article discusses five false forms of mortification of sin.
Owen on the Mortification of Sin
This article considers the teaching of John Owen on Romans 8:13, concerning the mortification of sin throughout the believer's life.
The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin
Mortification of sin implies fighting sin to its death. This article gives nine reasons why no sin must be left behind.