Justification and Justice: An Edwardsean Proposal
What is the relation of justification by faith to justice? Otto argues that it was for the purpose of establishing justice that Jesus] sacrificed himself. The [[work of Christ was and is focused on the justice of God. This has tremendous implications for the Christian life.
The Gospel in the Gospels: Answering the Question “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” from the Synoptics
The Synoptic Gospels regularly describe the way one enters the kingdom of God. The Synoptics rarely in these contexts explicitly mention faith. The Gospels do not imply that people merit eternal life and the kingdom; nevertheless, active obedience provides the gateway to life. The article draws attention to the way the Gospels framed the doctrine of salvation (soteriology).
First Response to "Faith according to the Apostle James" by John F. MacArthur Jr.
What was James' purpose when he discussed faith and works in his epistle? In this essay, the author responds to an article by John F. MacArthur Jr. and his book The Gospel according to Jesus. Radmacher's response focuses on the function and nature of faith in James.
Abraham, Faith, and Works: Paul's Use of Scripture in Galatians 3:6-14
Silva's primary purpose in this essay is to focus on the question of how and why the apostle Paul brings these specific Old Testament quotations together as he does in Galatians 3:6-14. In the process he presents an exegesis of the passage and reflects upon the hermeneutics involved in the New Testament's use of the Old.