The Resurrection of the Dead
The Return of Christ: The Resurrection of the Dead
Risen As Firstfruits
Is it really true that there will be a resurrection of the dead? In this devotion, the author shows how Christ’s resurrection is a guarantee of believers’ resurrection. This is what God said in 1 Corinthians 15:20.
The Rapture
What will be the nature of the return of Christ and what will the rapture be like? This article addresses these questions, which are concerned with eschatology.
The Hope of Israel, the Resurrection of the Dead, and Jesus: A Study in Their Relationship in Acts with Particular Regard to the Understanding of Paul's Trial Defense
How does Luke present Paul's trial and defense in Acts 21-Acts 28? How can Paul claim that he is on trial for the hope of Israel and the resurrection of the dead? The essay analyzes the relationship between Jesus, the hope of Israel, and the resurrection of the dead.