How the Scandal of Preaching Will Reach Our Postmodern World
This article shows how scandalous preaching is in a postmodern world. It shows what makes preaching set apart from the priorities of our age.
This article shows how scandalous preaching is in a postmodern world. It shows what makes preaching set apart from the priorities of our age.
Wells reflects on Christian discipleship in our contemporary postmodern world. He first wants to characterize the present context of globalized postmodernity. Wells next considers three facets which are important to Christian discipleship: truth, authenticity, and a global vision.
In Chapter 2 Barrs first considers how the past century witnessed a loss of biblical content to people’s views of God, truth, and moral convictions. Two views are considered: a Christian (traditional) view (morality and law are fixed and eternal) and a postmodern view (morality and law are constantly open to change). Questions for personal reflection and group discussion are at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 1 explores three different views as to what is true about the nature of disability and about the nature of our world at large: the historical view (disability is an abnormal part of life in a normal world), the postmodern view (disability is a normal part of life in a normal world), and the biblical view (disability is a normal part of life in an abnormal world).
Showing that the classical apologetic method of presenting the gospel to unbelievers cannot be relevant anymore, this article calls for a new way of presenting the gospel in our postmodern age. Postmodernism, with its unbelief in absolute truth and stress of subjectivism, presents the church with new challenges to doing evangelism.