Strange Fire & Miraculous Gifts
This article considers how the charismatic movement defines key spiritual gifts. It defines the relevant terms, considers the gifts in the New Testament, discusses the criteria Scripture gives for evaluating someone's claim to be a prophet, looks at how the contemporary version of the gift of tongues matches the biblical data, and concludes by considering the gift of healing.
The Priorities of Understanding and Order in Spiritual Worship: 1 Corinthians 14
"Tongues...Will Cease"
This study deals with the final section of 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and the reference in verse 8 to tongues that will cease.
What about Prophecy and Tongues Today?
Tongues In Acts
Looking at Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 10-11, and Acts 19 on the subject of tongues, this article shows that both charismatics and cessationists fail in applying these texts because they fail to read them through the redemptive-historical grid. The author of this article encourages the reading of Acts through a redempive-historical grid.