Calvin and the Spiritual Gifts
This paper is an examination of John Calvin's understanding of spiritual gifts, in the light of the impact of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement.
Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism (2)
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article critiques the teachings of Pentecostalism, discussing baptism in the Spirit, the importance of signs and wonders, and mysticism.
Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism (1)
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article considers the history of the movement under the leadership of Charles Parham. The author critiques its teaching on speaking in tongues, as first experienced by Agnes Ozman, and baptism in the Spirit.
Whither the Charismatic Movement?
Looking at the history of Pentecostalism, the charismatic movement and Neo-Pentocostalism, this article examines the claim of the Third Wave and the health and wealth gospel. These teachings have departed from orthodoxy and undermine scripture.