A Panoramic View Genesis 3:15 Shows History’s Sweep in Embryo
Absent But Everywhere God is not named in Esther, yet He is the Chief Character
Why Did God Allow Evil?
Why did God allow evil? In order to answer this question, Christians must begin with acknowledging having insufficient knowledge and understanding. The author continues on to say that God could have prevented evil, but He is not the author of evil. God uses evil to bring His good purpose and to reveal His character.
Ongoing Revelation?
This article examines the claim that God still gives special revelation beyond scripture to believers. This claim is a departure from believing that God's word is the means He uses to guide His church. This claim undermines the completeness of scripture and Christ as the full revelation of God.
Ongoing revelation
This is the first article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. Here the author evaluates the claim that God gives believers today special revelation, Working from the history of mysticism and Quakerism, the author shows how this claim undermines the sufficiency of scripture.