Sanctification: The People We’re Becoming
Illumination and sanctification are both the work of the Holy Spirit. For believers to be what they must be, they need this work of the Holy Spirit.
Illumination and sanctification are both the work of the Holy Spirit. For believers to be what they must be, they need this work of the Holy Spirit.
Can preaching be taught? Yes. However, this article argues that to discern whether someone can indeed learn to preach, it is important to see the following in the person: a sense of calling, a teachable spirit, a passionate heart, and a reckless abandon to risk being a fool for Christ.
How can single Christian men pursue biblical manhood? This article points to five things: examination and repentance, find community, take responsibility, be a gentleman, and look not for a girlfriend but for a wife.
Can multi-racial and multi-ethnic churches exist? Yes! This article explains the ground for planting multi-racial churches. It gives three reasons that demonstrate the importance of multi-racial churches, and four areas of intentionality when planting multi-racial churches.
Why is proper leadership important for the church? From Ephesians 4:11-13 this article explains that church leaders are Christ's gift to the church, and are responsible to equip believers. Where good leadership is given, Christ is glorified.
Shepherding God's church is not without its challenges. One challenge is the possibility of developing an unhealthy anxiety. This article explains that there are two causes of anxiety in caring for the church, and three ways to cure this unhealthy anxiety.
How do you make disciples who are zealous to truly follow Christ? It is through a balanced discipleship. This article offers three areas in which balance must be kept.
Man is created in the image of God. What does that mean? This article gives three ways of helping you think about the meaning of God's image.
How should Christians fight against Satan? Fighting Satan can be done by reflecting Christ. This is what Ephesians 4:25-32 explains.
Should you pray for bad things to happen to bad people? This article looks at imprecatory psalms. It shows how they call believers to love and seek God's justice, and how this should shape our prayers.
Smoking pot: should Christians do it? There are four guidelines that the believer should consider when answering this question.
How do you answer doubts and opposition to the gospel? This article explains that there are two wrong ways of responding to opposition: change the gospel or pounce on any opposing view. THe article also offers the right way of addressing opposing views: respond to the gospel yourself, which will impact your posture towards objecting views in a number of significant ways.
Christ-centred preaching starts with your exegesis. This article explains the need and benefits of reading the Bible in a Christ-centred way.
John Calvin taught that the Christian life is rooted in our union with Christ, the inseparable link of faith and the Word, the need for daily repentance, and self-denial.
Christian single men, how should you think about singleness? Remember that what defines you is your identity in Christ.
Prayer should be warm and intimate. How can you make your personal prayer to be like that? The article considers eight keys to this.
How can you be committed to everyday discipleship? This article shares six lessons to help you get started and persevere in this endeavour.
Are you struggling with a food addiction or an eating disorder? This article considers how being made in the image of God impacts how we treat our bodies, and then goes on to reflect on the fruit of the Spirit, self-control.
Are you struggling with being overweight, a food addiction, or an eating disorder? The gospel has something to say about this struggle. There are two ideas crucial to fighting the struggle with food: you were created and your body is the temple of God.
This article looks to offer aid to those struggling with being overweight, or a food addiction, or an eating disorder. It helps us think about this temptation in a right way, see food in a spiritual way, see the sin of it, and it points you to the right way.
Christians have died, been raised, are seated in heaven, and will appear with Christ. This gospel narrative of being in Christ is crucial for Christian growth and holiness.
This article encourages women to consider all of Scripture, not merely Titus 2:3-5, when it comes to discipleship relationships. The author explains what gospel-centred, whole-Bible discipleship entails, and how this shapes women's ministry.
What is God doing with your suffering? From 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, this article explains that God wants to comfort you, comfort others, and draw you near.
A storyline lies at the heart of building a Christian worldview, understanding the gospel, focusing on Christ, and rejecting false worldview. Without this biblical storyline, it becomes difficult to achieve the four things mentioned. This article explains the importance of teaching the Bible's storyline.
What should drive biblical repentance? There are four foundational aspects of repentance: it is from God, is centred on God, produces life-giving joy, and should be sought in community
You will be criticized but you also will criticize others. How should you receive and offer criticism? There are four ways the gospel shapes our attitude towards criticism, four ways of receiving criticism, and five things to consider when offering criticism.
Christian growth is linked to the cultivation of the heart. How do you do heart cultivation? This article mentions five things.
This article offers five signs that a church might be making disciples of the church rather than of Christ.
Is your parenting caught in the trap of health and wealth parenting? Good parenting is one that teaches children to be prepared to also face suffering. This article explains four ways to do this.
How do you represent the gospel at your workplace? This article explains five ways you can turn your workplace to ministry.
If you are not committed to discipleship, did you know that the reason may be that you believe one of the nine myths of discipleship that this article unpacks?
What is evangelism? Part of answering this question is knowing what evangelism is not. This article identifies five things that are mistaken for evangelism.
Evangelism is not easy, because of fear of man. So how do we grow in boldness for the gospel? This article draws encouragement in this regard from Acts 4.
How should you deal with negative church members? Be humble, shepherd, and be biblical.
The church is the household of God, which consists of different generations. How do you overcome generational gaps and build bridges through the gospel? You can do three things to create an inter-generational church ministry.
Have you been trying to grow as a Christian and you feel like you are not making any progress? What shapes your view of sanctification? This article explains that there are eight characteristics of gospel-centred sanctification.
If intimacy is the experience of closeness and being known, then the desire for intimacy can only be fully fulfilled by God. Psalm 139 shows that God is close to, knows, and is intimate with his children.
In a culture of having it all now, patience is a hard thing. How can you be patient? Learn to trust and embrace the truth of the gospel.
How do you shepherd small groups? This article offers six tips.
It is only in Christ that the fight against pride and self-doubt can be won. Why? For in Christ we gain humility.
In pastoral counselling how do you deal with people who are not listening? Be patient, present, petitioning.
Burnout has become a common experience of many missionaries. How do you fight against mission fatigue? Identify the causes, and fight against the burnout.
Every church member is called to build the church of Christ. In order to be a living member of the church and participate in church building, you not only need to know how to build the church, you must also know how not to kill her. There are ten ways you can kill the church.
What is the greatest need of the church? It is Jesus Christ, who comes to us through the preaching of the gospel. The church needs gospel preaching all the time. Why? This article offers five reasons.
This article gives ten ways to show how our union with Christ defines our identity. It draws implications for the Christian life.
Christ-centred preaching should be the desire of every pastor, in order to make mature followers of Christ. This article shows from the apostle Paul that Christ-centred preaching is possible when the preacher preaches like an evangelist, a prophet, and a theologian.
As parents how do you build a Christ-centred home? This article shows how Deuteronomy 6:6-9 can shape parenting in order to make a home Christ-centred.
As long as spiritual warfare is real, then doubting will always be part of the Christian life. How then should Christians go about dealing with doubt? This article offers five things.
How do you disciple those who doubt? This article calls for understanding the relationship between faith and doubt, because the gospel is the good news to those who are doubting.
Suffering can actually liberate you and help you grow deeper in your relationship with God. How? This article explains four ways that Christians can perceive God is with them in suffering: they can do so through the gospel, God's Word, prayer, and worship.
Why is there no tension in the Bible between ministry and family? Because marriage is the clearest picture of the gospel in the world today, and your marriage is one of the best forms of evangelism in the world today. How do you converge marriage and mission work? This article weighs in.
The Bible expects the husband to lead his wife. How does a husband provide leadership? There are seven things he can do to provide leadership in the home.
Is belief in the resurrection of Jesus essential or optional? This article examines the evidence for the resurrection through three lenses: the gospel tradition, skeptical scholarship, and faith. It concludes that faith in the risen Christ is essential.
Submission to God and what he defines that we do is what brings honour to God and yields results as God is pleased to bring them. This article discusses this, and then explains what sumbission to God and to his church requires of us: humility, vulnerability, and Christ-likeness.
Homosexuality is not just a topic outside the church. Even in the church, there are those struggling with same-sex attraction. The question is, how does the church deal with those facing this struggle? This article offers five things the church can do.
Christians battle with depression, self-condemnation, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. How are they to face these times of darkness? This article offers nine considerations.
The goal of discipleship in the midst of suffering is to bring comfort in Christ. Knowing that people suffer differently, what are ways to comfort the suffering? This article looks at eight of them.
How can the church disciple those with mental illness? Discipleship to the mentally ill should at least embrace these four things.
Seminary is a time of discipleship. Therefore, seminarians need the church. How can the church serve the training of pastors? This article provides three ways the church can do this.
Regeneration is the birth of a disciple. Therefore, discipleship should be rooted in the biblical doctrine of regeneration. This article discusses four aspects of regeneration that must shape the philosophy of discipleship.
The church as the body of Christ is called to a life of serving each other. This article explains how Christians can serve one another in the are of childcare.
Productivity for the Christian is motivated by a desire to live in this world for the glory of God. This article explains that productivity requires intentionality and effectiveness.
The purpose of discipleship is to make disciples Christ-like. Therefore, discipleship is not just a program; it’s life. This means that discipleship should be formal, informal, spontaneous, and intentional.
This article explains what transactional sanctification is: we can view our relationship with God as, "I do things for God and God does things for me." The author explains that life with God is not a transaction, since the transaction has already been completed.
This article explains that individualism is a threat to discipleship, because discipleship happens in a community rooted in the gospel.
Is church attendance important? This article explains that attending church is important because the gospel requires it.
Culture is everywhere and, like it or not, culture is changing you. If this is the case then how can Christians use the tools of culture for discipleship? This article defines what culture is and gives a way in which Christians can engage with pop culture.
Christians face grief too. The real struggle is learning to grieve well. There are two truths to consider in order to grieve well: God is God and he cares.
How do you help people who have placed their hope in places other than Jesus? It is by learning to identify false hope. This article points to four things that will help you identify false hope.
The church is called to live together as the body of Christ. Holding each other accountable is a way of living together. This article gives seven tips for pursuing accountability and confession within the church.
How do you deal with difficult times? There are two temptations that come with facing difficult times, and this article discusses them.
What does it mean to confess your sins to one another, along the lines of James 5:16? This article raises two dangers to avoid and three things to do in confessing sin to one another.
Christians are called to pursue holiness. How do we actually do it? This article says that by applying the grace of God in our life, we will grow in holiness, and it explains four ways to apply such grace.
Materialism kills generosity. This article argues that true Christian giving is rooted in understanding the generosity of God. From 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 it explains how this is so.
How do you build a gospel-centred community? There are two aspects to consider: remove the misunderstandings about the church and foster a true understanding. This article discusses six such misunderstandings, and then sevens truth about being a gospel-centred church.
Did you know that believers are seated with Christ in heaven, and therefore are reigning with Christ? This article shows what the ascension of Christ means for the Christian today.
There are some passions from which the youth must flee. From 2 Timothy 2:22 this article discusses four youthful passions that young people must flee: unrighteousness, scepticism, lust, and debate.
Gospel-centred counselling is what should characterize the ministry of believers to one another. This article explains that this counselling can only be found in the church because being rooted in Christ makes sense of the past, present, and future.
The study of church history can be used by God for your maturity. This article gives four reasons for how the study of church history can do that.
Thanksgiving should characterize the Christian's prayers. How do we learn to give thanks to God? Psalm 107 shares three reasons for giving thanks to God.
Are you seeking self-approval? Are you building your kingdom and not the kingdom of God? There are three habits that can help you stop seeking your kingdom and start focusing on God's kingdom.
How do you develop leaders in a church plant? This article discusses three essential things to do for the development of leaders.
Are you battling with spiritual depression or discouragement? This article discusses three ways to battle spiritual depression.
Guilt is something that not only believers but also unbelievers struggle with. This article explains that unbelievers also have a god, whose commands they try to obey but fail in their attempts, and continually suffer guilt and shame as a result. Only the biblical God can deal with guilt and silence the guilty conscience.
Preaching the gospel is essential to the life of the church, because the one thing that the church needs most is Jesus Christ. This article gives five reasons why preaching Christ is essential.
Following Christ may not necessarily result in you seeing revival. Yet you are guaranteed one thing: Christ himself. This article raises five lies that are successful at keeping us from persevering in faithful obedience to the Lord.
Growing in grace is what is expected of every Christian. How do you see your Christian growth and that you are becoming a mature Christian? This article explains that one of the signs of spiritual growth is seen in the extent to which you grow in your knowledge of sin in your life.
Christians are transformed into being like Christ. They are called to put off the old nature and put on the new nature. This article looks at Ephesians 4:25-32 to show what this transformation entails.
What does it mean to make peace, or be a peacemaker, and how does one seek peace? This article says that there are four aspects to making peace.
How do you find rest in a workaholic culture? You must learn to rest from overwork. How do you learn? The article explains two things crucial to learning to rest.
Mortification is the act of killing sin. How do Christians do that? This article looks at Romans 8 to answer this question.
What role can the church play in the struggle against racism? This article unpacks five things the church can do to pursue racial reconciliation.
How do you seek the welfare of your neighbourhood community? This article offers five simple ways: pray for the community, spend time in the community, know the assets in the community, make the community beautiful, and open your home.
While denying Gnosticism, are Christians practical Gnostics? How will you answer this question? This article explains that caring for creation is biblical and also testifies to our anticipation of the new world.