The Imago Dei as Vocation
What does it mean that man is called the image of God (Imago Dei)? What is the nature of the "image"? This article surveys three interpretations: the substantialist, relational, and vocational, and concludes that the vocational view reflects the biblical evidence best. The ethical implications flowing from this view are then considered.
Human Life Is Not Sheep: An Ethical Perspective on Cloning
in February 1997 Scottish geneticists successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly. This was a milestone in modern biotechnology. This article attempts to react to the ethical aspects of cloning from a Christian perspective. The argument of this essay is that Christians ought to encourage a moratorium on human cloning because there do not appear to be any motives or reasons for cloning that are in harmony with God's design for human existence.
Genesis 9:6: A Comparative Study of Bloodshed in Bible and Talmud
Is the death penalty still obligatory? This paper considers the ethical and judicial ramifications of Genesis 9:6.
Upholding the Unity of Scripture Today
The harmonious unity of Scripture has for centuries been the presupposition and belief of the church in the East and West. In this paper, Packer discusses the implications of the modern emphasis on the diversity in Scripture and focuses on the moral and ethical implications.
Christian Ethics and Pastoral Counselling
The Ethics of the Early Church: What Can We Learn?
Harry Potter and the Quest for Virtue
The Harry Potter books of J K Rowling have caused controversy among Christians. Andrew Goddard argues that the books offer a fascinating and helpful series of ethical insights, for example with regards to the use of power, rules and moral formation.