Why Black Friday Can't Make You Happy
The article raises the topic of the idolatry of consumerism, and why it will never bring you happiness.
The article raises the topic of the idolatry of consumerism, and why it will never bring you happiness.
Does God need his creation for his happiness? This article explains that God has life in and of himself (his aseity), and so he does not need us. It is precisely because God is free from creation that he is able to save sinners.
Does God want you to be happy? What does happiness mean? This article explains what biblical happiness is.
This article interacts with the statement, "God calls us to holiness, not happiness," and finds it wanting. Scripture does not present the two in competition with one another. Rather, a gospel that promotes the one over the other is not good news, for holiness means recognizing Jesus as the source of life's greatest joy and pleasure.
What constitutes a happy life? Ecclesiastes shares six categories to which people turn in their pursuit of happiness, but which do not satisfy. This article considers where the truly happy life can be found.
Does the Old Testament advocate a prosperity gospel? How should we understand the teaching of texts like Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, and Psalm 37?
Every action of humans is directed towards happiness and flourishing. Looking at key biblical words, this article shows that true flourishing and well-being can be found only in relationship with God and through alignment with his kingdom. The concepts of peace, blessedness, and completeness point to this conclusion.