I Have a Bone to Pick…

Since God does many things that we don’t understand, there are times when we carry questions that can quickly become an accusation against God, even a complaint. This article explains the process that God's children often go through, from complaint to realization how great God is. The author pays particular attention to the way in which Job worked through his intense suffering. Humility is greatly needed, as a protection from unbelief or from calling God to account.

Towards a Ministry of Exorcism?

Should there be a ministry of exorcism? This article engages with this question, highlighting the scriptural data on the influence of the devil among God's children, demon-possession in the New Testament, and then making some remarks on Mark 16:17-18, a passage often cited as proof that also today evil spirits can be driven out in the name of Jesus. The author emphasizes the importance of God's people being armed with the Word and prayer.

Will We Persevere?

In recent years we have been receiving statistics with alarming figures about the number of people leaving the church. The large church communities in the Netherlands experience a shocking decrease in membership. It is becoming ever clearer how rapidly the secularization proceeds. The development affects also the smaller, orthodox churches, although the figures are here not quite as bad. Against this background the disturbing question arises: Is there any certainty that we will remain faithful?

The Second Prayer in the Church Service

This article discusses the “second prayer”: the prayer that usually happens after the sermon. What is striking? In that prayer the well and woe of the congregation is often raised in detail and rightly so. But when the amen of the minister is heard at the end of his prayer, you still think: Was this it? Where is the world? Where is the world church? Oh, sometimes a plane has been shot down or ISIS has been in the news — then the world enters in the prayer for a moment. But after a few Sundays the world disappears again.

Attention for the Angels

This article examines the Scriptures on the matter of angels. It explains that in the Old Testament we encounter a celestial court council, of which the angels constitute a part. The article then outlines the duty of the angels, as well as their essence (as spirits). It emphasizes that we cannot abstract the angels from Christ. Finally, it gives some attention to a book by L.F. de Graaff on the topic.