This article gives answers to questions pertaining to the deacons – their authority, calling, qualification and work. 

2 pages.

A Deacon Catechism

Q. 1.

What is a deacon?


An official representative of Christ, the great Servant.

Q. 2.

Where did the diaconate begin?


In Acts 6, when the church got too large for one group of officers.

Q. 3.

What do deacons do?


They free the elders to give attention to their work of prayer, ministry, and government by   the Word of God; and they manage church temporalities and ministries of mercy.

Q. 4.

Where do we find the qualifications of a deacon?


They are given generally in Acts 6:3 and specifically in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Q. 5.

May women be ordained as deacons?


No.  Office in the Christian church is confined to men; but women have always helped deacons with their work.

Q. 6.

How do deacons make their decisions?


As a body (known as the Board of Deacons), in communication with one another, and always under the final authority of Holy Scripture.

Q. 7.

How are our deacons trained?


They go through a course of study in doctrine as it applies to diaconal work, in the qualifications of a deacon, and in the deacon’s various duties; they are also tested to find out if they serve faithfully.

Q. 8.

How do deacons assist others?


By a combination of relief in emergency situations, assistance in rehabilitation when necessary, and discipleship that helps those in need to develop in living all aspects of their lives to God’s glory.

Q. 9.

Do deacons have people to whom they are specifically responsible?


Yes.  To the poor who come within the sphere or our ministry, to brothers and sisters who become providentially impoverished, and to widows, orphans, and the fatherless.

Q. 10.

How should I respond to appeals from the Board of Deacons?


As if Christ Himself is calling you to that assistance.

Q. 11.

How should a person respond to the assistance that comes from deacons?


As if Christ Himself is assisting him or her.

Q. 12.

What things should I look for in a prospective deacon?


Godliness, good sense, and the heart of a servant.

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