Three False Teachings about Jesus
The doctrine of the incarnation has not been always accepted well by some in the church. This article explains how Docetism, Arianism, and Nestorianism denied the incarnation.
The doctrine of the incarnation has not been always accepted well by some in the church. This article explains how Docetism, Arianism, and Nestorianism denied the incarnation.
This article discusses the Council of Ephesus, whose purpose was address the teaching of Nestorius that came to be known as Nestorianism, a teaching that stressed the independence of the divine and human natures of Christ. The article considers the Council's setting, purpose, major characters, and the nature and results of the conflict.
What was the teaching of Nestorius or what came to be known as Nestorianism? Nestorius separated the human and divine in Jesus Christ so as to make of him two separate persons. This essay re-evaluates this position in the light of 20th century research and within the Christological controversies of that time.
Looking at the Council of Chalcedon, this article shows how this council was able to clarify the Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, and the Eutychianism in the controversy on the human and divine nature of Christ. Though these heresies dated before Chalcedon, the author shows that heresy is necessary as it helps to advance orthodoxy.