Lamb of God: Creating a service based on lamb passages in scripture
This article offers resources to plan and prepare a worship service focusing on the theme of the Lamb of God.
This article offers resources to plan and prepare a worship service focusing on the theme of the Lamb of God.
The author in this article looks at the representation of Christ's suffering for his people in the Passover lamb. He notes the reasons why such a type was used to represent Christ, and also observes other traits of lambs that are not directly represented in Christ. The various laws and regulations related to the sacrifice of this Passover lamb are also shown here to be reflected in the actual suffering of the Lamb of God.
This article considers the function of Revelation 5 and the Lamb of God in that chapter.
This article considers the meaning of the "Lamb of God" metaphor as it is used by John the Baptist. The function of Isaiah 53 as a possible background is considered. The significance of the Lamb taking away the sins of the world as John formulates it in John 1:29, 36 is explored.
This article is about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice as a gift to God, substitutionary atonement, Leviticus 1-7, Jesus Christ as the lamb of God, and Hebrews 9:22.