The Priesthood of All Believers and Its Relevance to Africa Today
The priesthood of all believers is a biblical teaching that can liberate African Christians from the hold of prosperity preachers, in the same way this teaaching liberated the church from the Roman Catholic Church.
The Priesthood of All Believers
The priesthood of all believers is a teaching that is taught in the Bible, rooted in the priesthood of Christ. This article shows that recovering this teaching is crucial to the health of the church. It shows the privileges and responsibilities of being priests.
The Priesthood of All Believers The Understanding of the Concept of the Priesthood of All Believers and its Impact on Evangelism during the Sixteenth Century Reformation
Laying Down Our Lives
What sort of church members must a congregation have? What are they to be taught and what are some of the important values to be held by a congregation member? This article attends to these questions, in relation to the priesthood of all believers.