Identifying Nimrod of Genesis 10 with Sargon of Akkad by Exegetical and Archaeological Means
What is the true identity of Nimrod that the readers of the Bible get acquainted with in Genesis 10:8, 9 (cf. 1 Chronicles 1:10, Micah 5:6)? This study wants to work towards a clearer identification of Nimrod by investigating the different words, phrases, and constructions that act as exegetical clues that can possibly throw more light on what can be known for certain about the biography of Nimrod.
Peleg in Genesis 10:25
The interpretation of Genesis 10:25 has become a hot topic in the creation/theistic evolution debate primarily among young-earth creationists who want to explain biblically the separation of the continents. This article responds to this discussion.
The Table of Nations
How was the biblical Table of Nations (Genesis 10) spread out? This map shows the spread of the descendants of Noah according to the perspective of some Jewish traditions.
The Nations after the Flood
This map shows the spread of the nations after the Flood. It is based on Genesis 10, which lists the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth.