Issues concerning Euthanasia
End of Life Ethics
How should Christians approach issues related to end of life? Looking at end of life care, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and withdrawal of treatment, this article argues that answers to these issues must be given in light of what the Bible teaches about life and death.
The Image Disaster: Euthanasia and God's View of Human Life
This article evaluates euthanasia, and judges it a rejection of the Bible's understanding of both God and humanity, and an attempt to usurp God's sovereignty.
Is It Morally Justifiable to Terminate Ordinary Medical Treatment for Dying Persons?
Is the termination of ordinary medical treatment equal to euthanasia? By looking at the biblical concept of death, this article gives principles that must be considered in answering this question.
James Rachels and the Active Euthanasia Debate
Is there a moral distinction to be made between active and passive euthanasia? Moreland wants to argue against mercy killing and assisted suicide in particular as it is expressed by James Rachels.
Euthanasia and Christian Ethics
This article argues that many traditional arguments against euthanasia need to be revised and supplemented in the light of advancements in the bio-medical field.
Sanctity of Life
The author deals with the biblical teaching of the image of God and its implications and applications in various areas of life. The author notes that this doctrine has implications for two main ethical subjects: capital punishment and the dignity of man.
Genesis 11 - Back to Babel! The Same Old Story
A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Suicide
Right to Die Becomes Obligation
In light of the growing trend to legalize euthanasia, this article shows that legalizing euthanasia changes the meaning of life from objective to subjective.