What to Do When Christians Clash!
How should we resolve conflict among Christians? This article looks at the disagreement between Paul, Barnabas, and Mark, recorded in Acts 15:36-41. Looking at possible causes of disagreement, this article draws lessons for Christians today on conflict resolution.
Spiritual Leadership and Humble Relationships (Part 4)
This article addresses spiritual leaders and the kind of relationship there ought to be between shepherds and sheep. The author does so by exploring the example of the apostle Paul and how he responded to the Corinthians who were complaining about him. Paul's letters to the Corinthians give much food for thought regarding conflict resolution.
The Slippery Slope of Conflict
This article identifies the various ways people tend to respond to conflict, and applies the principles of the gospel to conflict resolution.
How to Resolve Conflict Biblically
Drawing on Ken Sande’s work in The Peacemaker, this article lays out the “4 Gs” of biblical conflict resolution: Glorify God, Get the log out of your eye, Gently restore, and Go and be reconciled.
How to React to Conflicts with Your Boss Without Ruining the Relationship
Do you have conflict with your employer? How can you maintain a relationship with your boss and address the conflict? This article gives eight things to consider for conflict resolution.
Resolve Conflict ASAP
Conflict resolution must be undertaken as soon as possible, and here are six reasons why.
How to Have a Confrontational Conversation
The goal of conflict resolution is to bring restoration. How do you prepare for such a confrontational conversation? The article explains that you pray, plan, and present.
The Beginner's Guide to Conflict Resolution
How should we resolve conflict within the church? The article offers some guidance on conflict resolution, explaining the value of raising and answering two key questions: what kind of conflict are we in, and what do we need to do to resolve this conflict?