The Sacred Trust of Pastors and Christian Leaders: Accountability and Consequences for Sexual Abuse
This article raises awareness about the existence and the consequences of sexual abuse suffered by church members at the hands of church leaders.
This article raises awareness about the existence and the consequences of sexual abuse suffered by church members at the hands of church leaders.
This article stresses the call to self-control through the controlling of the mind.
This article considers whether the Lord Jesus in his human nature was capable of sinning. It shows that he was fully capable of suffering, but not of sinning.
Jeremiah 29:11 is often interpreted in less than biblical ways. This article considers the meaning of the passage, and what kind of connection it has to believers today.
How should we view our money and possessions? This article encourages a view that is fitting for pilgrims passing through to their destination.
This article considers the responsibility we have to watch our words on social media, as God also will hold us accountable for what we say there. He calls for us to be full of both truth and grace in what we say.
This article reveals the inclination to go into debt for less than godly reasons. It provides eleven questions to consider before one purposely goes into debt.
This article interacts with the statement, "God calls us to holiness, not happiness," and finds it wanting. Scripture does not present the two in competition with one another. Rather, a gospel that promotes the one over the other is not good news, for holiness means recognizing Jesus as the source of life's greatest joy and pleasure.
This article considers whether it is right for a couple to have life insurance, showing that it is a matter of measuring one's situation and convictions.
This article offers eleven guidelines to help us break the power of materialism. At the root of it all is the fact that God has made us stewards, and so we are called to give what he has entrusted to us.
This article provides several points, with biblical support, regarding the identity of Satan. They all stem from the fact that Satan is not eternal or almighty.
This article considers whether it is biblical for Christians to save for retirement. It raises questions we should ask about our retirement savings.
What is the principle behind Proverbs 13:22? Should parents leave their children inheritances? This article considers the difference between the Old Testament practice and today, and concludes that there is no obligation today for parents to provide an inheritance.
What is a financial lifestyle that is honouring to God? This article discusses the legitimate diversity that there is in the amount of money and possessions owned by Christians.
What will be your identity in heaven? This article speaks of the continuity between this life and the next.
This article explains with an illustration how death is a transition from one world to the next.
This article addresses the question on the difference between the present heaven and the new heaven.
This article argues the case that we will recognize each other in heaven, given the post-resurrection appearances of Christ and the words of the apostle Paul.
What place do Christians go to when they die? This article discusses the intermediate state in heaven, identifying it as a temporary dwelling place.
What does 1 Corinthians 15:44 mean when it speaks of a spiritual body? A body made of spirit, an incorporeal body, or otherwise? This article explains that it is an indestructable body.