Is the Christian Faith Defensible? Two Suggested Methods to Win the War of Ideas
Christian Apologetics – Introduction
Edgar introduces his readers to the apologetics of Cornelius van Til, who was one of the original apologists of the twentieth century. His approach to apologetics has become known as presuppositionalism. Edgar further provides an overview of the most prominent characteristics of Van Til’s method of apologetics.
The Role And Use Of Evidence In Reformed Presuppositional Apologetics (Part 1)
Looking at the relationship between evidentialism and presuppositionalism and their views on the place of evidence in Christian apologetics, this article shows that dividing apologetics between the two schools does injustice to apologetics. The author maintains that the study of apologetics should be seen in light of salvation history, which can yield new possibilities for practicing apologetics.
Van Til and Apologetics
The Derailing of Apologetics
This article focuses on the task of apologetics, the difference between presuppositionalism and evidentialism, negative apologetics, and the context of apologetics.