The Westminster Standards Compared to the Three Forms of Unity

After a quick overview of the history in which the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminster Standards were written, the article compares the two confessional standards and how the doctrine of election features in each one. The author explains that the Belgic Confession tends to be infralapsarian compared to the Westminster Standards, which are more supralapsarian (such terms are clearly defined in the article).

Election and Free Will – Why a Book on Election and Free Will?

The subject of election, or predestination, raises many questions in people’s minds. In this book the author tries to answer many of those questions from the Scriptures. The first chapter introduces the importance of the subject, noting the biblical witness to God’s electing love and the search for assurance in the insecurity of contemporary life.

Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"

In this article on election and the free offer of the gospel, the author looks at election in an evangelism and mission context. Things like the call of the gospel, the well-meant offer of the gospel in the preaching, the general (universal) calling and effectual calling, and unconditional election is discussed.