Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!

Regardless of the size of the church, every church within the church federation forms the body of Christ. Therefore, no church should accept members from another church without the consent of the church where the members are coming from. In this way the boundaries of churches in the federation are respected. Looking at Belgic Confession Article 28, this article emphasizes the importance of being a member of your local church.

Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!

Regardless of the size of the church, every church within the church federation forms the body of Christ. Therefore, no church should accept members from another church without the consent of the church where the members are coming from. In this way the boundaries of churches in the federation are respected. Looking at Belgic Confession Article 28, this article emphasizes the importance of being a member of your local church.

Singing in the Corporate Worship of the Church

This article looks at the place of singing in the worship service. The author does this by looking first at the place of singing in the temple and synagogue services, and the role of the Psalms in shaping this singing. Singing takes a central place in corporate worship, and must be done in such a way that it is in accordance with God's word.