Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!

Regardless of the size of the church, every church within the church federation forms the body of Christ. Therefore, no church should accept members from another church without the consent of the church where the members are coming from. In this way the boundaries of churches in the federation are respected. Looking at Belgic Confession Article 28, this article emphasizes the importance of being a member of your local church.

Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!

Regardless of the size of the church, every church within the church federation forms the body of Christ. Therefore, no church should accept members from another church without the consent of the church where the members are coming from. In this way the boundaries of churches in the federation are respected. Looking at Belgic Confession Article 28, this article emphasizes the importance of being a member of your local church.

Children of God and COVID–19 A Resource for Christians Navigating a Global Pandemic

How should the church function in the midst of a pandemic when a government creates temporary restrictions that significantly limit in-person worship services? In relation to the COVID–19 pandemic, this article engages the question by looking for guidance to the Scriptures, the Reformed confessions, and some key Reformed theologians.

Bats, Frogs, and Worms?

There has always been animosity toward the church and the Christian faith. This article highlights some of the earliest critiques levelled at Christians, but also how such Christians committed themselves to clearing away prejudices and misunderstandings about God. The author in this way calls the church today not to function as an island to itself, as shady bats, frogs, and worms, but to engage our critics, and to do so with conviction and passion.

Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 4 – Taught Here in This Church

This article explains the background to the phrase in the Continental liturgical form for profession of faith that calls for agreement with the doctrine "taught in this Christian church." The article states that the church is to be found where the teaching of Scripture is maintained. It provides a synopsis of the debate in the sixteenth century regarding this very matter, between Catholics and Protestants.

With Reverence and Awe – The Church and the World

Chapter 1 is an exposition of Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 21, Q&A 54. The authors seek to understand from the Catechism what the relationship between the church and the world is in worship. Should the aim of the church be to make worship accessible to the world? Should worship be one occasion where the church displays her otherworldliness?

The Relevance of Article 29 of the Belgic Confession for Today

With the availability of so many Reformed churches, is it still possible to apply the Belgic Confession Article 29 in speaking about the true and false church? Looking at the three marks of the true church, this article shows that Article 29 is applicable even today, both to mark the true church and guide Christians in choosing the right church as they seek to obey the command of Christ.