Your words say something about you and your walk with God. Looking at the different biblical texts, this article show how our communication reveals our nature, our thoughts about others, and our walk with God. It also shows how we can use words effectively.
How does the local church help in your spiritual growth? This article explains that growth comes through cultivating certain disciplines, such as church attendance, giving, and participation.
Why is there something and not nothing? This article looks at the answers given by the theory of evolution and the biblical account of creation. It shows that at stake are not facts that are clashing, but worldviews that are clashing.
Apologetics can be used offensively or defensively. This article applies apologetics to the defence of the Christian worldview against the postmodern worldview in the area of the existence of truth.
Christians are required to study if they are to be transformed in their thinking. This article points to what Christians should study, how they should study, and what are the dangers of studying.
The authority of the Bible has been denied and its claims disbelieved. This article argues for the reliability of the biblical text and canon. It shows that Scripture is God’s special revelation.