Isaiah 55:11 and the Gospel of John
This article explores the possible influence of Isaiah 55:11 on the message of the Gospel of John. The motif concerns the "coming from God" and "returning to God."
This article explores the possible influence of Isaiah 55:11 on the message of the Gospel of John. The motif concerns the "coming from God" and "returning to God."
Dahm wants to draw attention to a biblical emphasis concerning atonement that has suffered from relative neglect. This neglect concerns the believer's dying with Christ. The author considers the significance of dying with Christ against the background of Old Testament sacrificial practices.
At the Council of Chalcedon, the church confessed that the Son of God was "begotten before all ages of the Father." This essay wants to consider three aspects: the Bible's teaching that the Son was begotten, its theological significance, and possible objections to the doctrine.
What is the nature of truth? Truth is propositional, but it is much more. Truth can be characteristic of persons and things and can be the quality of conduct.
This paper argues that the first readers of the epistle to the Hebrews were Jewish Christians. The paper attempts to refute the view that the major error of these believers was their effort to return to Judaism.
Does God lead man into temptation? How can a passage like James 1:2 encourage believers to rejoice in trials? How should the sixth petition of the Lord's Prayer be understood? The author wants to give clarity on these matters by proposing a better understanding of the Greek word "peirasmos" used in James 1:14.