Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 10:34, did not bring peace but the sword. What does this mean? This article explains that the gospel creates conflicts and divisions

Source: The Messenger, 2005. 3 pages.

Not Peace, But a Sword

Not Peace, But a Sword

Matthew 10:34 is a remarkable verse: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." What is the Lord Jesus saying here? He is saying exactly what we read: He did not come to bring peace on earth, but His coming brings conflicts, fights and the sword. The Lord emphasizes the point by saying twice, "I came not to send peace."

Isn't this a strange remark? Didn't we always believe that the Lord Jesus came to bring peace on earth? Didn't the angels sing at His birth, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men?" (Luke 2:14) Is Christ not called the Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:10? Did the Lord Jesus not pronounce a blessing upon those who make peace? (Matt. 5:9)

Conflicts Because Of The Gospel🔗

We must understand that the Lord Jesus makes use here of what in the Hebrew language is a masjal. A masjal is a riddle-like saying that portrays a specific truth. It is stated in a rather striking manner and is not intended to be a general statement of a universal reality. Rather, it portrays a unique truth. In this setting the Lord Jesus is explaining, that although He is establishing a kingdom of peace and He commands peace in the hearts of all His people, at the same time conflicts will take place.

Enemies will attack you when you walk in the ways of the Lord. People will hate you because you love the Lord Jesus. Those who seemed to be your friends become your enemies. You may suffer mockery, hardships and even persecution. When that happens you will understand that the Lord came not to send peace, but the sword.

Struggles Accompany Conversion🔗

Is there immediately peace and joy when the Gospel of peace enters the life of a sinner? No, the contrary happens. A struggle begins within your soul because the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. He makes use of God's Word as a sword to expose your inner motivations. You begin to see your selfishness and your rebellion against a good-doing God. You grieve because of what you have done and because of what you failed to do. You are pierced by the sword of the Spirit.

You used to think that all was well with your soul and that even God was pleased with you. But when He uncovers you to your lost condition, your imagined peace disappears. Then you very personally feel that the Lord Jesus did not come to bring peace in your life, but the sword. But you will also experience that the Lord is gracious, longsuffering and plenteous in mercy. He washes away the sins of penitent sinners. Those who come to Him, He will in no wise cast out.

He wounds in order to heal. He cuts open the festering sores of our life in order to pour in the balm of Gilead, applying the soothing blood of Christ that cleanses from all sin. Peace is experienced in the way of confession of sin, humbling ourselves and trusting in Christ.

These are the results of being cut by the sword of Christ. God's children learn to love that sword. They learn to kiss the rod that smites them. Through this sword they learn to rejoice in His salvation.

The sword of Christ is like the lancet in the hands of a doctor, who makes deep incisions with the purpose to heal. Do you know this sword in your life? Has the Lord smitten you personally with His sword?

Spiritual Assaults From Enemies🔗

There is more to know. It is not only at the beginning of spiritual life, when the uncover­ing work of the Holy Spirit is experienced, that the sword is used. It is also used in the progress of spiritual life. When the Lord has poured out His Spirit and given peace to the soul, joy and love will flow from the heart and one would like to hold on to these matters. But before you know it, daily life catches up with you. Sin and temptation are felt again.

There are the temptations from the world. The devil allures you by tempting you and causes strife within your soul. You experience the struggle against indwelling sin and you become painfully aware that you are still inclined toward all sin. You realize more than before, that you need the blood of the Lord Jesus to wash and cleanse you. You see that you need His Spirit to deliver you from sin and temptation. You see that you can do nothing without Him. This weighs upon you, so that you become more and more dependent upon Christ. His sword is cutting deeper into your life.

Suffering for His Name's Sake🔗

The word "sword" in Greek points to a sacrificial knife that was used to perform sacrifices. This expression points to suffering or persecution. When one wishes to follow the Lord Jesus, there will be suffering in this world. You will be slandered, your words will be misrepresented and you will meet enemies of the Lord and His Word. They are those who criticize God's Word and do not bow before His authority. They cannot stand it when they see you bowing to God's authority. They are annoyed at your walk and they hate you for it. That is also the sword.

These enemies are still the followers of the old master, the devil. They are his agents and the devil rallies them to oppose God's people. They can do that in various ways: by piercing words or mockery, imprisonment or causing physical harm.

Not Peace, But a Sword

Strife and contention for the sake of God's Word are inevitable. In cunning and devious ways the devil tries to lead people away from God's Word. The reality is that, "we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).

The sword goes even deeper, for the Lord Jesus speaks of divisions, not just between people in general, but very close to home. There can be divisions and clashes between parents and children, between chil­dren and parents-in-law. Within a family there may be such opposition to faith that some members cannot stand it that others in their family seek to glorify God; and they will mock them for it. Then also the sword is experienced.

Using The Sword Of The Spirit🔗

The Lord not only uses His sword to uncover His people, He also gives them a sword: That is the sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word. In his or her spiritual struggles a child of God learns to use God's Word. You will look to His Word and rest on "thus saith the Lord." "It is written" becomes your hiding place. You learn to fight spiritual enemies with the sword of God's Word.

As long as God's children are in this life, they will have to fight the good fight of faith. They will become Christian soldiers. For the Lord Jesus has not come to bring peace, but the sword.

God Makes A Separation🔗

When you experience the sword in your life, remember that nothing strange is happening to you. Jesus said, "I am not come to send peace." Do not think that the Christian life will be a bed of roses — an easy life. You must be sober-minded, realizing that you are appointed to a struggle. That is what God has intended.

The Lord intends that these divisions take place, for He is making a separation between people. This line of separation goes right through the church, nations, races and languages. The Lord has regenerated His people. They walk a different life, according to a new principle, the principle of love, truth and righteousness. The world lies in wickedness and hates the truth; it opposes it. That is the reality of the Christian life.

Woe, if all men speak well of you. Woe, if you are friends with the world, for then something is wrong. Of course, God's children should never suffer because of their foolishness or their abrasiveness. They must be kind and caring to all they meet. But when it becomes apparent that you want to love God and honour Him above all, enmity will break out.

Not Peace, But a Sword

God's People Have A Faithful Saviour🔗

God's people have a Saviour in heaven Who loves them. When you love Him, you will experience His sword in your life, and you will also experience the sword of the enemies who oppose you. Now you experience the sword, but you will also experience His peace — now in part, but at the end of your journey in the fullness of joy.

He leads you; therefore, trust in Him and live as close as you can to Him. Seek to know the Captain of your salvation better. Ask for grace to love Him more and to be more Christ-like in your life. He says to you: "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

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