Christian are heirs in Christ. What does it mean to be an heir in Christ? This article explains the future glory of Christians and the implications it has for their daily life.

Source: The Messenger, 2004. 3 pages.

The Christian's Perspective

Those who are converted to God are very privileged. In Matthew 5 we read that God's children will inherit heaven and the earth. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3). The kingdom of heaven with all its glories belongs to them. They will receive heaven, and they will also receive the earth.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). God's children are heirs of God. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together (Rom. 8:17). God's children will rule with Christ as kings. They will shine in glory.

The Lord will give all things to His people. He that overcometh shall inherit all things (Rev. 21:7). There are real and present blessings now, in this life already. In this life God's children already have access to all God's blessings. The Lord gives them all things they need. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's (1 Cor. 3:21-23).

All Things In Heaven🔗

What does this mean that all things are theirs? First, we must look at what God's children will inherit. They will receive the glories of heaven. Time is short and afterwards God's child will immediately be translated to be with the Lord in glory. To describe this in human words is impossible. When the apostle Paul was drawn up into heaven he heard things unspeakable and matters, which, he says, are not even lawful for a man to utter. God will fill His people with incomprehensible glory and delight.

There will be no discomfort whatsoever in heaven. No unrest or darkness will confuse the mind. No sinfulness will pollute the soul. There will be no more struggles against the flesh, the world and the devil. Every sorrow, grief and heartache will be eliminated. Instead, the soul will be filled with glory, peace and beauty. There will be perfect love and joy.

God's children will be with the Lord forever. In this present life, they can be so far from the Lord. That grieves them. But then, they will be in His immediate presence. They will see God as He is and be made like unto Him. There will be perfect communion between the Lord and His children. They will experience what David states in Psalm 16:11: Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

All Things on Earth🔗

Secondly, this incomprehensible inheritance is already valid now, in this life. The full enjoyment will be in the life to come, but the essence starts here and now. Through the Lord Jesus Christ God's children have access to all things that pertain to the honour of God and their salva­tion. They receive all things they need for this present life. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Rom. 8:32).

In this present life, God's children are under God's care, love and protection. He is with them. They have access to all the divine resources and provisions of grace, strength and endless blessings. In this life, the Lord will give them their daily living, protection and every blessing. In Him they can face every foe. In Him they are invincible, until God takes them out of this life to be received into full glory.


The inheritance of God's children is a rich and real matter for the future, but also for here and now, in this life. This reality has various implications.

In the first place, God's children must pray to God with expectation. The Lord will give them everything that is to His honour and for their well-being. They never need to fear or despair, whatever their circumstance. All things are given them; God supplies all their needs. He will provide also in tribulations. Therefore, have courage through Christ, your Saviour. Paul states in 2 Corinthians 6:10: As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. In Philippians 4:13, he professes: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. God's children should pray with expectation because ... all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive (Matt. 21:22).

A second implication is that all things in life must be united to the fear of God. The aim in life must be to honour and love the Lord. Children of God may not live for their own pleasure. They are called to live for the Lord. They are not their own; they have been bought and purchased with a price! They are called to obey and love God with all they own. God has given them everything and there­fore they must give all they have to Him. All things in their life are subject to the Lord. The aim of their life must be to obey Him in all things. He, Who first so exceedingly loved them, will they not love Him in return? They are exhorted to love and worship the Lord all the days of their life.

A third implication is that their lives should be marked with deep humility. God's children are unworthy of these rich and exceeding great promises. They were lost in sin and trespasses, as all others. Yet God had mercy on them. He drew them to Himself and gave them His salvation. When they look at themselves, even after having received grace, how often they have been unfaithful! How often they have forgotten the Lord and ignored His inheritance! They overlooked the glorious things that were given them. Too often, God's children live as if there is no God in heaven. They look at the dangers and circumstances, and they lose hope. They are in darkness because of their unbelief and unwillingness. They cannot love Him as they should. At times they even doubt if the Lord started a good work in them. These doubts and backslidings are all because of sin and lack of faith. These things should work deep humility in their hearts.

A fourth implication is that God's children should anticipate their future glory. A child of God should learn to look at the things of this world as insignificant and learn not to be too concerned about them. Do not set your heart on prosperity, riches, honour and entertainment. They are not even worthy to be mentioned in comparison with the inheritance of glory. Do not allow the pleasures of life to hinder your pursuit of this crown. When you suffer affliction, adversity or persecution for the Name of Christ, do not be too troubled, for in comparison to future glory, they mean nothing.

Spiritual Outlook🔗

Also spiritually, a child of God can be too focused on this present life and neglect to anticipate future glory. Brakel comments that many believers have this deficiency that they are continually examining themselves and their spirituality consists only of seeking to discern whether they are in a state of grace. They desire to expe­rience and feel more of God's goodness here and now. But all the time they neglect to lift up their heart to anticipate the great glory the Lord has in store for them. They have only few fleeting thoughts about heaven. Instead, a child of God should meditate on the certainty and reality of their inheritance.

Doing so, will also give you a different perspective of life here on earth. You would go your way with joy, not stumbling over every spiritual difficulty, and living as if you are forsaken in this world and have no eternal future. You would have more expectation of the Lord, anticipating and realizing that in this life God will supply all your needs and He is directing you to His glorious future. In this way, the aim of your life becomes Christ and His future and you will look to Jesus. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2).

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