What Factors Support the Use of Spiritual Abuse?
This article identifies several factors in church life that can serve to allow the use of spiritual abuse. The insights the author provides can help churches prevent spiritual abuse.
This article identifies several factors in church life that can serve to allow the use of spiritual abuse. The insights the author provides can help churches prevent spiritual abuse.
The author discusses spiritual abuse, what some of the danger signs are, and how a Christian should respond when he or she experiences it. She also sounds a warning for those in leadership who face the temptation to use their positions to control those under their leadership.
This article characterizes spiritual abuse as a form of emotional and psychological abuse, and offers a definition in the hope that it will help the church to identify and deal with spiritual abuse.
What is spiritual abuse? It is a sinful use of spiritual authority by Christian leaders to promote, protect, or enrich a person or a Christian institution regardless of the spiritual damage done to innocent parties and the cause of Christ. The article unpacks this definition.
Spiritual abuse lives in many churches and has affected the lives of many believers. This article explains what spiritual abuse is and why it hurts.