A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part XI)
Engelsma concludes the argument that Isaiah 65 should not be understood literally but rather spiritually, as pointing to the spiritual kingdom that shall be established by Christ at his second coming. Thus the physical, earthly kingdom of postmillennialism is here rejected.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part X)
This is a continuation of the study of Isaiah 65 in refutation of the postmillennial interpretation of Scripture.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part IX)
In this continuing discussion, Engelsma deals with the interpretation of Isaiah 65, and rejects the literal interpretation adopted by postmillennials.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part VIII)
In the part of the continuing discussion, the author turns to the strongest source for the support of postmillennialism, the Old Testament prophetic texts. The author criticizes this over-reliance on Old Testament passages. The author also makes an specific analysis of the postmillennial interpretation of Isaiah 65.