Great Prayers in Devastating Times

In the modern western nations, we stand in a position similar to that of Habakkuk in ancient times. As we examine our own culture, we observe that the majority of "Christian churches" are distant from believing scriptural doctrine and keeping God's commandments. Governmental and educational systems are hostile to God's truth. Therefore, immorality is rampant and genuine Christians are despised. Every institution of our society is enfeebled through drifting without a moral compass.. This article is an exposition of Habakkuk 1:12-2:1. 

Divine Instruments of Justice: Habakkuk 1:5-11

Habakkuk had long prayed against the sins of God's special nation: Judah. Like most of us, he was a patriot. He loved his nation, and he loved the saints who lived within his homeland. Living through an extended season of moral decay and spiritual corruption had made the prophet hunger for revival.. This article is an exposition of Habakkuk 1:5-11.