The Wives' Tales of Genesis 12, 20, and 26 and the Covenants at Beer-Sheba
This article first gives a survey of scholarship on the study of Genesis 12, Genesis 20, and Genesis 26, passages where Abraham and Isaac claim that Sarah (12:11-16; 20:2-3) and Rebekah (26:6-11) were their sisters. Next, it develops suggestions that have been considered only in passing by a few scholars, and that is that some type of diplomatic marriage may be involved in the stories.
Seven Exoduses (Part 2)
Israel's exodus from Egypt is one of the central redemptive-historical events in the Scriptures, so central that it is the pattern for at least seven events in Scripture that may themselves be called “Exoduses.” This second article in a series outlines the exodus experiences of Isaac (Genesis 26:6-16), Jacob (Genesis 27-Genesis 31), Israel, God's people through the death and resurrection of Christ, and Peter (Acts 12).
Is There a Biblical Warrant for Natural-Law Theories?
What is the validity of natural law ethics? The author examines selected texts to see whether the authors assume some sort of universally revealed moral knowledge. Texts examined include Genesis 9:6, Genesis 20, Genesis 26, Job 31:13-15, Amos 1, Amos 6:12.