Did God Create Chaos? Unresolved Tension in Genesis 1:1-2
Did the Old Testament make use of imagery found in other ancient Near Eastern texts and portray creation as God’s victory over, and transformation of chaos. The article indicates that this understanding is often associated with the expression "tohu wabohu" (Hebr. in Gen. 1:2), translated as"formless and empty," and that many interpretations of Genesis 1:1-2 imply that this chaos existed before God began his work as Creator. The author of this article argues that Genesis 1 points to God as the originator of all things and also to creation as an ordering of chaos. He makes no attempt to resolve the tension. He believes that it is of theological significance to hold these ideas side by side. He points to the flood and Jeremiah 4:23 as portrayals of the possibility that chaos may return as a result of human sin.
Source: Tyndale Bulletin, 2010. 20 pages.
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