Why will Life Not Come Together and Work for Me?
Why will Life Not Come Together and Work for Me?
I'm sure you will agree with me that we live in a time when all sorts of information about nearly all kinds of topics lies at the fingertips of many people. Why not so long ago, I read that since 1955 knowledge has doubled every five years. Do you realize that this means that our generation possesses more data about the universe and everything in it than all previous generations put together! Why I read that high school graduates today have been exposed to more information about the world than Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza or Benjamin Franklin!
You would think that with all of this information the world would be a better place to live in. But is this really so? One look in your newspaper and some casual viewing of various television programs will soon convince you of the opposite. Perhaps, even the experiences of your own life will do the same. Perhaps, also you belong to those people who have been exposed to a lot of knowledge, but you just can't seem to make life work for yourself. And you wonder, "What on earth am I doing wrong? Why will life just not come together and work for me?"
A Car and its Ownerโค๐
Imagine an owner of a car asking his car this question. A car that once was new, but had not been operated and looked after the way the owner's manual clearly stated. Instead of changing the oil every 5,000 kilometers, the owner did this every 10,000. Instead of changing the transmission oil when it started to turn brown, he completely ignored this symptom and did not change it at all. Instead of regularly changing his air filter, the owner allowed this filter to get completely plugged up. What do you think the car would answer its owner when he asked it why it would not work for him? Would the car not say, "You are not operating me according to the instructions written down for you in the owner's manual. The designer of this car told you exactly how you should take care of me. Now that you have neglected to do so, you will have to pick up the pieces yourself."
Isn't life really the same? Just like a car is beautifully designed and made, so you and I are also wonderfully designed and made. And just like a car comes with an instruction manual on how it is to be run and looked after, so we have been given an instruction manual as well โ also on how to look after ourselves and keep us going. Just like the designer of the car had every right to write the instruction's manual the way he did โ after all, he was the one who designed the car โ so our Designer has every right to write his instruction's manual the way He did, for He is the One who designed and made us.
You realize, of course, I am talking about God. Just look at your hand for a moment and say to yourself, "This hand evolved by chance and is able to do what it can by chance." Just look at your eyes in a mirror and say, "These eyes came into existence by chance and can see the way they do by chance." Just consider your brain and say the same. You realize that just the thought is ludicrous! Brains do not come into existence by chance and cannot think by chance the way they do. Neither do eyes and hands come into being by chance and function the way they do by chance. There is a master Designer who designed all these parts of our bodies and more and brought them into existence according to his wonderful master plan. And because He has, He also wants us to use our bodies with all their faculties according to the design He has given us. And that design you can find in the Bible, God's operating instructions for life.
Enroll in God's School of Wisdomโโค๐
The Bible is not just one book, but many books put together. As a matter of fact, there are no less than 66 smaller or bigger books that together make up what we call the Bible. Where should you start if you want to find out how to make life work for you?
Well, let me advise you to begin with the book of Proverbs. It's a very old book that contains timeless advice for everyone, including you and me. It speaks about wisdom and the opposite of wisdom which is folly or foolishness. Wisdom is living your life according to God's design; folly or foolishness is living your life according to your own design, a design that often is based on your own appetites and impulses that want to be desired immediately.
The purpose of the authors of Proverbs is clearly to encourage everyone to pursue wisdom. Right from the outset of his book, one of the authors states this as follows,
The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young...Proverbs 1:1-4
And the reason is clear. Wisdom pays! Wisdom makes life work! Wisdom brings your life into God's design for your life and enables you to live the way God designed you to live! In chapter three, Solomon, one of the authors of the book, writes,
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.Proverbs 1:13-18
For the past number of years, I begin most mornings by reading, studying and meditating on one particular proverb. For two years, I followed the proverb of the day which was written out on a little flip calendar I had purchased. Now, during my third year, I started with Proverbs chapter 1, verse 1, and I hope to continue to make my way through the whole book in a chronological fashion. These quiet moments I spend reading, studying and meditating on a proverb are the best moments of my day. They truly are more precious to me than silver and they yield much more than gold. Actually nothing can compare to these quiet moments in which I soak up God's wisdom for life. When I put this wisdom into practice, I truly experience that God's design for living is pleasant and gives peace. It turns my life into a tree of life โ fruitful and refreshing not only for myself but also for others. What a blessing God's wisdom has proven to be!
A Fool and his Follyโโค๐
On the other hand, I also know from personal experience what being a fool is. Now being a fool is not what you may be inclined to think. It is not someone who does not have very much intelligence. On the contrary, fools can actually have a very high I.Q. and may have been very successful in certain areas of their lives. Yet, what makes them fools is that they ignore God's design for life, his wisdom, and prefer to follow their own desires and appetites instead, as I mentioned earlier. Appetites and desires that demand immediate gratification!
Sometimes, I do not want to listen to someone else's advice, but do what is right in my own eyes. Proverbs has this to say about this,
The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.Proverbs 12:15
Sometimes, I have a tendency to get annoyed when someone offends me and show it, too. Proverbs has this to say,
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.Proverbs 12:16
Sometimes, I am tempted to let myself get into a quarrel with someone. Proverbs tells me,
It is to a man's honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.Proverbs 20:3
Sometimes, I am inclined to give someone a piece of my mind. The book of Proverbs tells me this is plain foolish by saying,
A fool give full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.Proverbs 29:11
The Overarching Principleโโค๐
I'm sure that you just like I want to be wise and not foolish. The book of Proverbs is a good place for us to start. For this book is and remains God's school of wisdom for life. Yet, in enrolling in this school of wisdom, you have to remember one thing: there is an overarching principle that ties all of God's wisdom together. And that overarching principle is respect and reverence for God. The Bible also calls this the fear of the LORD. Proverbs 1:7 clearly formulates this overarching principle right from the outset of its book,
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Remember that owner of a car asking his car, "Why won't you work for me?" Remember what he had done: he had not operated it and taken care of it according to the instructions given to him in his owner's manual. Let's not be as foolish as he. Let's respect the Designer of our lives. Let's put his operating instructions into practice. It really will make the difference between a life that falls apart and a life that is held together.
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