Literature can be a tool for evangelism. This article gives some pointers to starting literature evangelism.

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The Ministry of Christian Literature

Next to preaching, the ministry of Christian literature is the most powerful means for spreading the Gospel. People are often defensive about door-to-door visitation, but their guard is down as they read a well-produced booklet in the privacy of their living room. It’s easy to become tongue-tied in person-to-person witnessing, but a well-written tract can often say what you want to say just perfectly. An evangelistic visit may produce many questions; wisely selected pieces of follow-up literature may offer just the right answers to water the seeds already sown.

Literature evangelism may be less heralded than other means of evangelistic outreach, but it can be just as effective. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Be sure your church budget has a generous allotment for Christian literature. Make provision to purchase materials that will be wisely given away as part of the church’s evangelistic outreach. We usually allot approximately $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 for that purpose, and we regard it as an investment that yields big returns.
  2. Choose literature that is distinctively Reformed. Avoid Gospel tracts that are superficial and Arminian in their presentations. Organizations like Chapel Library (2603 W. Wright St., Pensacola, FL 32505. Ph: (850) 438-6666 email: chapel@mountzion.orgweb: and our own Great Commission Publications offer Reformed tracts and booklets. Publishing companies like The Banner of Truth Trust, P & R Publishing, and Evangelical Press offer a full selection of good booklets.
  3. Use different literature for different purposes. ULTIMATE QUESTIONS, by John Blanchard (Evangelical Press), COMING TO FAITH IN CHRIST, by John Benton (Banner of Truth) and “A Bad Record and a Bad Heart” by Albert N. Martin (Chapel Library) are effective pieces to give to unbelievers. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LOCAL CHURCH, by Dan Wray (Banner of Truth) will provide important counsel to spiritual wanderers.

    Jay Adams’ booklets (printed in popular styles by P & R) are top-row materials for a tract rack.  His “What to Do When…” series is eminently helpful and well received. CHRIST AND YOUR PROBLEMS and GODLINESS THROUGH DISCIPLINE should also be available. Similar in nature and more attractive (but also more expensive!) are the “Resources for Changing Lives” series (a ministry of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, PA) also published by P & R. These introduce people to the riches of the Gospel by treating subjects ranging from Domestic Abuse to Pornography. (Consider purchasing the special display case that is available for these booklets). 

    Those suffering from affliction will welcome John J. Murray’s BEHIND A FROWNING PROVIDENCE (Banner of Truth), Paul David Tripp’s  SUFFERING: ETERNITY MAKES A DIFFERENCE (P & R), or Jerry Bridges’ excellent book TRUSTING GOD EVEN WHEN LIFE HURTS (available in paperback). Christians in the midst of bereavement will appreciate Donald Howard’s priceless booklet CHRISTIANS GRIEVE, TOO (Banner of Truth).

    These are just a few examples of how well-chosen literature can complement your local church ministry. Check to see which of these titles are also available in foreign languages. An increasing number of Reformed works have been translated into Spanish.

    Don’t forget to have inexpensive Bibles and New Testaments available. They can be obtained in bulk from the International Bible Society or the American Bible Society. Other vendors can be found through the Internet. 
  4. Follow up whenever possible. After giving an inquirer a copy of RIGHT WITH GOD by John Blanchard (Banner of Truth), set up a meeting to discuss it with him.  Give newlyweds a copy of Jay Adams’ CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE HOME (Baker Book House) as a gift, or present new parents with a “parent pack” including Walter Chantry’s article “The High Calling of Motherhood” (reprinted by Banner of Truth), Ted Tripp’s SHEPHERDING A CHILD’S HEART (Shepherd Press) and Bruce Ray’s WITHOLD NOT CORRECTION (P & R). Then offer to meet with them for a study of God’s purposes in marriage and parenting.
  5. Send literature through the mail. A well-chosen tract on the new birth sent to a first-time church visitor along with a personal letter may be effective. Basic pieces dealing with the various cults may be useful in preventing others from being drawn into error. One pastor I know keeps a notebook of names and addresses of people that he meets in his travels. He follows up discussions be sending appropriate pieces of literature.
  6. Be sure that the congregation prays for God’s blessing on the efforts rendered.

    “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it". (Is. 55:10, NKJV)

  7. What a joy it is for God’s people to pray for the realization of this promise through literature (as well as through preaching), and then to see answers like this before their very eyes:

    “God used that book you gave me to straighten out my thinking.” “What an encouragement that tract was!” “I came to Christ through the clear presentation in this Gospel booklet.”

Everyone can take part in literature evangelism, and the rewards are eternal. Find out for yourself!

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