Glabori, a Hero and Martyr

Source: The Banner of Truth (NRC), 1994. 2 pages.

Church History for Children: Glabori, a Hero and Martyr

Pete looked at his mother's face. Why was she crying? He put the pail of water down on the floor and waited. Was there another job to do?

"Thank you, Pete," his mother said.

"You may go and play now."

"What's the matter, Mom?" Pete asked. He didn't like to see his mother sad.

His mother sighed.

"You know Glabori, Pete? Our former governor?"

"The man who is in prison, Mom? Because he is a Christian?"

"Yes, Pete, but he is not in prison anymore. Today they will bring him to the amphitheater."

Pete looked at her with frightened eyes. "To the lions? Oh, Mom! And he is such a nice man!"

Church History for Children Glabori, a Hero and Martyr"Yes, Pete, but he is a Christian. And you know our former emperors Vespasian and Titus left the Christians alone. But now our new emperor Domitian … It is terrible. I am so afraid, Pete. Will you never tell that we sometimes went to the meetings of the Christians?"

Pete shook his head. Oh, no! He would never tell that! Imagine what could happen! He shuddered.

"Glabori is a true Christian," his mother said, and there was respect in her voice. "He fears the Lord, and, Pete, when he has to die, he will go to the Lord. But…"

It was so quiet in the kitchen. "I don't know anymore, Pete," She wiped her eyes. "You know what I mean, Pete – we talked about it. I have so much respect for the Christians, but I am so afraid, Pete."

A few minutes later Pete was playing with his friends. They had a nice game and he forgot all about poor Glabori, who had to die that day.

But suddenly the boys saw a lot of people coming from the amphitheater. They were so excited! They were laughing and shouting!

Suddenly Pete remembered, and he felt sad. He forgot his game and looked at the people. How could they enjoy watching a man die? But what were they talking about? He listened, with big eyes. Was that true? Really true?

He forgot his friends and ran home. He had to tell her right away! "Mom! Listen! Glabori is not dead! Oh, Mom! You know what he did? When the lion came, he leaped to the side and then jumped on the back of the lion! It is really true, Mom! And the lion roared and roared and ran around, but Glabori hit him with his fists all the time till the lion was dead! Oh, Mom! Is Glabori now free?"

At first his mother could hardly believe it. But when his father came home, he told the same story. He had heard it on the streets. Everyone was talking about it and the people thought Glabori was a hero!

"But I do not know what the emperor will do now," his father said. "Glabori is a free man now, but I think the emperor will not be happy with that." He shook his head worriedly.

His father was right. A few days later he came home and said that Glabori was in prison again. But now Domitian did not wait; he did not give Glabori another chance. Immediately he sent some soldiers, and they killed him.

"Now he is in heaven," mother said quietly.

Father looked at her. He knew of the questions in her heart. "Let us pray to the God of the Christians for light," he said.

"Why is the emperor such a cruel man, Father?" Pete asked.

"That will not stay this way for long, Pete," his father said. "The people are getting sick of all the murdering. Not only Christians are being killed, but a lot of other people too."

Pete's father was right. A few days later, when they had their evening meal, he said, "They murdered Domitian last night."

"Oh!" Mother sighed. "I really hope that we will get another emperor, a nice man, who will not

persecute the Christians." She looked at Father, "Maybe we can go to listen to the Christian preacher another time. "

"We will wait and see," Father said. "Do you know what the boys are telling about the Christians, Father?"

Pete asked. He looked upset. "They say that they eat children."

"We know," his father answered. "They do everything to slander those people. But I know a lot of Christians, and they are really nice people. They do not drink or gamble, they work hard and are always willing to help other people."

"I think they serve the true God," Mother said. "I only hope that we may see that one day ourselves."

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